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J Travel Med. 2021 Aug; 28(6): taab004.
Published online 2021 Jan 22. doi: 10.1093/jtm/taab004
PMCID: PMC8393690
PMID: 33480433

Helminth infections in the US military: from strongyloidiasis to schistosomiasis

Associated Data

Supplementary Materials



Helminth infections caused by parasitic worms, including nematodes (roundworms), cestodes (tapeworms) and trematodes (flukes), can cause chronic symptoms and serious clinical outcomes if left untreated. The US military frequently conducts activities in helminth-endemic regions, particularly Africa, the Middle East and Southeast Asia. However, the military does not currently screen for these infections, and to date, no comprehensive surveillance studies have been completed to assess the frequency of helminth diagnoses in the military personnel and their families.


To determine the burden of helminth infections in the US Military Health System (MHS), we conducted a retrospective analysis of International Classification of Diseases (ICD)-9/10 diagnosis codes from all medical encounters in the MHS Data Repository (MDR) from fiscal years (FY) 2012 to 2018. Chart reviews were conducted to assign ICD diagnoses as incorrect, suspected, probable or confirmed based on the laboratory results and symptoms.


Abstraction of MHS data revealed over 50 000 helminth diagnoses between FY 2012 and FY 2018. Of these, 38 445 of diagnoses were amongst unique subjects. After chart review, we found there were 34 425 validated helminth infections diagnosed amongst the unique subjects of US military personnel, retirees and dependents. Nearly 4000 of these cases represented infections other than enterobiasis. There were 351 validated strongyloidiasis diagnoses, 317 schistosomiasis diagnoses and 191 diagnoses of cysticercosis during the study period. Incidence of intestinal nematode infection diagnoses showed an upward trend, whilst the incidence of cestode infection diagnoses decreased.


The results of this study demonstrate that helminth infections capable of causing severe morbidity are often diagnosed in the US military. As helminth infections are often asymptomatic or go undiagnosed, the true burden of helminth infections in US military personnel and dependents may be higher than observed here. Prospective studies of US military personnel deployed to helminth-endemic areas may be indicated to determine if post-deployment screening and/or empirical treatment are warranted.

Keywords: Cestodes, nematodes, trematodes, filariasis, hookworm, ascariasis, echinococcus


Helminths, a group of parasitic worms encompassing cestodes (tapeworms), trematodes (flukes or flatworms) and nematodes (roundworms), are widely distributed in the tropical and subtropical regions. It is estimated that over 1 billion people globally are infected with at least one helminth.1 In 2010, helminth infections contributed to more than 14 million disability-adjusted life-years.2

Helminth infection presentation in travellers can differ from the symptoms classically seen in endemic populations, resulting in delays in diagnosis or misdiagnosis if a travel history is not taken.3–6 Left untreated, some of these parasites can cause chronic symptoms and lead to severe clinical outcomes. High burdens of intestinal roundworms and tapeworms can frequently cause abdominal pain, diarrhoea and anaemia in endemic populations.7 The extent to which this is seen in military populations, which likely have a lower burden of infection, is unclear and will be the subject of future studies. Strongyloides stercoralis is of particular concern as this roundworm can cause a potentially fatal hyper-infection syndrome if individuals become immunocompromised.8 Flatworms can cause chronic inflammation in the liver, intestines, genitourinary tract and hepatobiliary system, which can lead to cancer.9,10 Currently, there are little data on the extent to which these helminths cause disease in the US military.

The US military represents a unique and high-risk group of travellers. Service members are deployed for overseas operations for 3–15 months at a time, and they may have longer term assignments abroad with their immediate family. Duration of travel has been shown to correspond with a higher risk for travel-related illnesses.11 Additionally, the military frequently conducts activities in helminth-endemic regions. Separate from operational deployments, in 2015, over 95 000 active duty members were stationed in East Asian, North African, Caribbean or Central and South American nations.12

In the past several years, the US military has also conducted training and assistance missions in numerous countries in the Indo-Pacific region, Central Africa and Western Africa regions, all areas which are highly endemic for helminths.13 A 2018 report showed that between 2001 and 2014, more than 2.77 million service members served over 5.4 million deployments in conflict zones, principally Iraq and Afghanistan, and also in the Philippines and multiple African nations, with a peak at more than 567 000 unique individuals deployed during 2003.14 Large, though harder, to define numbers of service members have also taken part in short-term training or humanitarian assistance missions in helminth-endemic regions.

Helminth infections have long been recognized as a threat to US military personnel deployed overseas.15–19 Thousands of soldiers during World War II and the Vietnam War were affected by lymphatic filariasis, and over 23 000 were hospitalized for hookworm infection in World War II.20,21 Strongyloidiasis infection and fatality has also been reported in soldiers deployed to Vietnam.17,22 More recently, a number of case reports have been published about service members who contracted helminth infections abroad, including diphyllobothriasis, schistosomiasis and echinococcosis.22–25 However, there are no recent comprehensive reports of the prevalence of helminth infections in the US Military Health System (MHS). As such, this study sought to determine the burden of helminth infections in the US military service members, retirees and dependents over a 7-year period.


Data abstraction

This study was conducted under the Deployment and Travel Medicine Knowledge, Attitudes, Practices and Outcomes Study (KAPOS). KAPOS examines the integrated relationship between the provider and patient inputs and health outcomes associated with travel and deployments. This research was reviewed and approved by the Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences (USUHS) Institutional Review Board.

Data were abstracted from the MHS Data Repository (MDR), which includes all TRICARE data. TRICARE provides health care benefits for active duty Armed Forces personnel (including National Guard and Reserve), retirees and their dependents. Approximately, 9.5 million beneficiaries are served by TRICARE, as of 2019, including 1.4 million active duty and 331 000 reserve-component personnel.26 The TRICARE system consists of Direct Care, provided at military treatment facilities (MTFs), and purchased care, provided at civilian facilities.

Direct care data files searched were the Standard Inpatient Data Record (SIDR), which includes one record per inpatient stay at an MTF, and the Comprehensive Ambulatory Provider Encounter Record (CAPER), which includes one record per kept appointment at an MTF. Purchased care MDR data files accessed were TRICARE Encounter Data (TED)-Institutional (TED-I) and TED Non-Institutional (TED-NI), which each include one record per institutional claim sent to TRICARE. TED-I includes inpatient care and inpatient-based home health care, whilst TED-NI consists of claims for all care or services excluding inpatient or home health care.

The MDR was searched for all encounters with helminth-associated International Classification of Diseases (ICD)-9 or ICD-10 diagnosis codes (Supplementary Table S1 available as Supplementary data at JTM online) from fiscal year (FY) 2012 through FY 2018 (1 October 2011–30 September 2018). When a unique subject had multiple encounters with the same helminth diagnosis, data for annual infections and the type of facility were determined by the first encounter. Incidence of helminth diagnoses was determined using the total number of enrolled TRICARE beneficiaries for each FY.

Case validation

Encounters in the CAPER data file from each ICD-9/10 diagnosis were randomly selected for manual chart review to account for human error in coding and differential diagnosis coding as well as to investigate laboratory testing. Encounter data were accessed and reviewed in the Armed Forces Health Longitudinal Technology Application (AHLTA), the electronic medical records (EMR) system used by active MTFs.

Study data were collected and managed using REDCap electronic data capture tools hosted at the Infectious Disease Clinical Research Program (IDCRP), Uniformed Services University. A case report form was designed in REDCap to track chart review data. Encounter data, provider notes and clinical laboratory data were assessed to determine whether lab tests were completed and subsequently whether a case was ‘suspected’, ‘probable’ or ‘confirmed’. Suspected, probable and confirmed case definitions were based on CDC diagnosis criteria where available (Supplementary Table S2 available as Supplementary data at JTM online) or were determined by infectious disease specialists (E.M., P.W.H.). For most diagnoses, the definition of a probable case required a positive serological test, whilst a confirmed case required a positive identification of the helminth. If lab data were negative, the case was defined as ‘lab ruled out’. Discussion of laboratory tests performed at other facilities in EMR notes was considered sufficient for validation.

Data analysis

The positive predictive value (PPV) of a diagnosis code was defined as the probability that any subject with a helminth diagnosis had a suspected, probable or confirmed case of that helminth infection as documented in the medical record. A ‘true positive’ (TP) included any suspected, probable or confirmed cases, whilst a ‘false positive’ (FP) was any case with no lab results, no encounter data or negative lab results. PPV was calculated as follows: PPV = TP/(TP + FP). Estimated helminth diagnoses were calculated by applying the PPV to the number of unique subject diagnoses.


Helminth diagnoses

Abstraction of MHS data revealed a total of 50 378 ICD-9/10 codes corresponding to a helminth diagnosis between FY 2012 and FY 2018. Intestinal nematodes were the most common helminth infection, representing 87.05% of all helminth diagnoses. Nearly all (99.0%) diagnoses were made in outpatient facilities and were evenly split between direct care and purchased care. Of these, 38 445 of diagnoses were amongst unique subjects (Table 1). On average, female beneficiaries accounted for slightly more than half of helminth diagnoses, comprising 60.1% of diagnoses overall. Most helminth infections saw a median age at diagnosis between 30 and 58 years old. Notably, several infections skewed younger, including enterobiasis (pinworm) and cutaneous schistosomiasis, with median ages of eight and 13 years old at diagnosis, respectively.

Table 1

Frequency of helminth diagnostic codes and unique subjects diagnosed with a helminth infection in the MDR between fiscal year (FY) 2012 and FY 2018

Helminth infection Diagnosis codes Unique subject diagnoses Median age (IQR) % Female
Intestinal nematodes 43 852 34 510 60.3
 Enterobiasis36 59530 4298 (4–15)60.6
 Intestinal helminthiasis—unspecified or other/mixed3680172223 (8–45)61.6
 Hookworm—unspecified120190825 (9–46)51
 Ascariasis112278320 (5–36)59.0
 Strongyloidiasis90541455 (40–63)50.6
 Hookworm (Ancylostoma)15712029 (18–46)65.0
 Trichuriasis16010631.5 (10–56)75.0
 Hookworm (Necator)322831 (14–53)63.3
Cestodes 3486 2007 64.4
 Echinococcosis113066840 (26–54)73.8
 Cestode infection—other or unspecified81654528 (19–43)62.0
 Cysticercosis95138141 (27–55)66.2
 Taeniasis, unspecified22018341 (23–55)44.1
 Diphyllobothriasis26815740 (23–57)55.0
Taenia solium (intestinal)614639.5 (21–54)66.0
Taenia saginata infection402734.5 (21–55)56.7
Trematodes 2302 1481 57.4
 Cutaneous schistosomiasis66963813 (7–30)53.0
 Trematode infection—other or unspecified35328847 (29–58)57.7
 Schistosomiasis, other or unspecified65727648 (32–59)60.6
 Opisthorchiasis/clonorchiasis1609550.5 (30.5–59.5)67.8
 Schistosomiasis due to Schistosoma haematobium2336546 (30–52)48.6
 Schistosomiasis due to Schistosoma mansoni1306153 (32–60)55.1
 Schistosomiasis due to Schistosoma japonicum1005851.5 (15–59)77.9
Tissue-invasive nematodes 738 447 53.3
 Filariasis—other/unspecified32717954 (32–64)53.9
 Onchocerciasis22714747 (32–61)53.0
 Lymphatic filariasis1329158 (47–63)57.1
 Loiasis523039.5 (31–62)36.7
Total 50 378 38 445 60.1

Diagnosis Codes and Unique subject diagnoses represent a count.

Median age is measured in years.

% female represents the percentage of the total.

As multiple encounters are common to diagnose and treat helminth infections, frequencies of unique subject diagnoses were used throughout the remainder of the analysis. The raw count of uncorrected annual unique subject helminth diagnoses and beneficiary data are available in Supplementary Figure S1 and Supplementary Table S3 available as Supplementary data at JTM online. The distribution of diagnosis codes based on the source of the case file and taxonomic group is presented in Supplementary Table S4 available as Supplementary data at JTM online.

Case validation

A total of 428 CAPER cases were selected for chart review due to greater detail and availability of encounter information in these files. Up to 20 cases per diagnosis were reviewed for tissue-invasive nematodes, cestodes and intestinal nematodes, with the exception of strongyloidiasis in which 33 cases were reviewed. For trematodes, 96 schistosomiasis cases and 66 other/unspecified trematodes were reviewed.

After case validation by chart review, PPVs ranged widely (Table 2) and many suspected cases lacked confirmatory lab testing. Diagnostic codes for intestinal nematodes had the highest overall PPV, with a 70.0% average PPV for any intestinal nematode diagnosis code. After pinworm (100% PPV), strongyloidiasis diagnosis codes had the next highest PPV with 87.5% (28/32) of cases having correct coding, corresponding lab results and a probable or confirmed strongyloidiasis diagnosis. A total of 26 cases had a positive Strongyloides IgG antibody test; one case was confirmed via surgical biopsy specimen, and one was confirmed via stool microscopy.

Table 2

Results of chart validation; PPV reflects the proportion of total validated cases that were suspected, probable or confirmed

Helminth diagnosis Cases reviewed Cases with lab results Suspected cases Probable cases Confirmed cases PPV ± 95% CI (%)
Intestinal nematodes 129 52 51 27 14 71.3 ± 7.8
 Enterobiasis (pinworm)1901630100.0 ± 0.0
 Strongyloidiasis3227024487.5 ± 12.2
 Ascariasis194110163.2 ± 21.7
 Hookworm (any or unspecified)202110160.0 ± 21.5
 Trichuriasis19660557.9 ± 22.2
 Intestinal helminth other/mixed/unsp.201370350.0 ± 21.9
Tissue-invasive nematodes 38 8 2 0 3 13.2 ± 10.7
 Loiasis7310242.9 ± 36.7
 Lymphatic filariasis6110016.7 ± 29.8
 Filariasis (other/unspecified)1530016.7 ± 12.6
 Onchocerciasis1010000.0 ± 0.0
Trematodes 162 58 16 16 38 43.8 ± 7.6
 Cutaneous schistosomiasis200160080.0 ± 17.5
 Schistosomiasis, any sp.3829022776.3 ± 13.5
 Schistosomiasis, other/unspecified38260141063.2 ± 15.4
 Opisthorchiasis/clonorchiasis5100120.0 ± 35.1
 Fluke, other/unspecified6120000.0 ± 0.0
Cestodes 99 43 12 5 25 42.4 ± 9.7
 Cysticercosis201224450.0 ± 21.9
 Cestode infection, unspecified201240650.0 ± 21.9
 Diphyllobothriasis19510847.4 ± 22.5
 Taeniasis20620745.0 ± 21.8
 Echinococcosis20831020.0 ± 17.5

It was common for intestinal helminths to be diagnosed solely on clinical symptoms or patient description of a passed worm, without lab tests performed or resulted before diagnosis/treatment. Only 4 of the 19 ascariasis cases reviewed and 2 of 6 intestinal hookworm cases had stool ova and parasite tests performed. Of all ascariasis cases, 63.2% were designated suspected for patient report of worm in stool. Eighteen of 20 hookworm cases reviewed used the diagnosis codes of ancylostomiasis and necatoriasis unspecified (ICD-9 code 126.9) or hookworm disease unspecified (ICD-10 code B76.9). Of these, two-third of cases had symptoms consistent with cutaneous larva migrans, or zoonotic hookworm infection.

Tissue-invasive nematodes were less frequently encountered in the MDR and diagnosis codes had low PPVs. In 9 of 10 onchocerciasis chart reviews, coding was completely unrelated to the context of the encounter or no data was available. For ‘filariasis other or unspecified’, 93.3% of cases reviewed were unrelated or missing data.

By contrast, cutaneous schistosomiasis (cercarial dermatitis) diagnosis codes were validated as suspected cases (PPV 80.0 ± 17.5) for having matching clinical symptoms and recent freshwater exposure documented in encounter notes. None of the subjects reviewed were subsequently diagnosed in later encounters with human schistosomiasis infection, suggesting these infections were most likely zoonotic (avian schistosomiasis). Of the 76 evaluated non-cutaneous schistosomiasis diagnoses, schistosomiasis diagnosis codes with an identified species (Schistosoma haematobium, Schistosoma mansoni or Schistosoma japonicum) had a higher PPV (78.9%) than schistosomiasis unspecified/other (68.2% PPV). Amongst the 38 confirmed cases, 89.5% were based on biopsy and the remainder on urine or stool O&P. An additional 24 schistosomiasis cases were designated as probable based on a positive Schistosoma serological test.

There were five occurrences of encounters in CAPER which were coded for opisthorchiasis and/or clonorchiasis, all of which were reviewed. In three of these diagnoses, the coding was unrelated to the clinical context. In one case, lab tests resulted in a diagnosis confirmation, whilst the remaining case had clinically relevant documentation, but lab testing was ultimately negative. ‘Fluke other/unspecified’ had a 0% PPV, with none of these case files indicating clinical suspicion of actual trematode infection. Indeed, 59 of the 61 cases were actually for patients evaluated for symptoms of influenza, with miscoding likely related to an ‘autocomplete’ function in the EMR.

Cestode diagnosis codes, on average, had a PPV of 42.4%. Cysticercosis had a PPV of 50.0%, though lab testing was performed in only 12 of 20 cysticercosis cases. Diagnosis codes for cysticercosis or echinococcosis were commonly used as a reference to medical history: 20% of cases sampled were notes in reference to a prior history of the disease.

Estimated helminth diagnoses

Calculated PPV of each diagnosis code was applied to raw totals to determine an adjusted diagnosis burden, resulting in 34 425 estimated helminth infections between FY 2012–2018, with a 95% confidence interval (CI) between 32 889 and 35 962 total diagnoses (Table 3). Excluding the estimated 30 429 pinworm cases, there were an estimated 3996 helminth diagnoses in the study period, with a 95% CI of 2460–5533 diagnoses. Across all helminth categories, dependents and retirees made up the majority of diagnoses (84.5% of total) (Table 4), proportionate to the demographics of TRICARE beneficiaries. Active duty and National Guard/Reserve beneficiaries had similar representation, with 7.7 and 6.2% of all estimated helminth diagnoses, respectively.

Table 3

Total estimated ‘actual’ unique subject diagnoses in the MDR using the calculated PPV from chart review for each helminth diagnosis

Helminth diagnosis Total diagnoses PPV-adjusted diagnoses 95% CI (range)
Intestinal nematodes 34 510 32 753 31 899—33 607
 Enterobiasis (pinworm)30 42930 42930 429—30 429
 Hookworm (any or unspecified)1056581351–811
 Intestinal helminth other/mixed/unsp.1722861484–1238
Tissue-invasive nematodes 447 40 0–101
 Lymphatic filariasis91150–42
 Filariasis (other/unspecified)179120–35
Trematodes 1481 846 635–1058
 Cutaneous schistosomiasis638510399–622
 Schistosomiasis, any sp.184145121–169
 Schistosomiasis, other/unspecified276172129–214
 Fluke, other/unspecified28800–0
Cestodes 2007 786 375–1197
 Cestode infection, unspecified545273153–392
All total 38 445 34 425 32 889—35 962

Table 4

Estimated actual helminth diagnoses for each military beneficiary category, using calculated PPV from chart review

Intestinal nematodes Tissue-invasive nematodes Trematodes Cestodes
Beneficiary status N (Column %) N (Col. %) N (Col. %) N (Col. %)
Active duty 1773 (7.3)3 (5.2)82 (12.5)113 (13.4)
Dependent 19 863 (82.2)32 (55.2)415 (63.8)531 (63.0)
Retiree 649 (2.7)18 (31.0)93 (14.2)122 (14.5)
Guard/reserve 1467 (6.1)4 (6.9)56 (8.5)64 (7.6)
Other 404 (1.7)1 (1.7)5 (<1.0)13 (1.5)

The annual incidence of helminth infection diagnoses ranged from 31 to 38 diagnoses per 100 000 TRICARE enrollees per FY (Figure 1A). Of these, non-pinworm helminth diagnoses accounted for 5.1 to 6.1 diagnoses per 100 000 per FY. Whilst incidence of tissue-invasive nematode and trematode diagnoses stayed relatively stable, the incidence of intestinal nematode diagnoses showed an upward trend, increasing from 3.33 to 4.48 per 100 000 during the study period (Figure 1B). By contrast, diagnoses of cestode infections showed a consistent decrease, from 1.60 per 100 000 enrollees in FY 2012 to 0.70 per 100 000 in FY 2018.

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(A) Estimated incidence of helminth diagnoses amongst all TRICARE enrollees, with pinworm diagnoses and all other helminth diagnoses excluding pinworm. (B) Estimated incidence of helminth diagnoses by helminth type


Our analysis found 38 445 unique subjects diagnosed with helminth infections between FY 2012 and FY 2018, an average of 5428 diagnoses per FY. We undertook a validation of these diagnoses by medical record review in order to determine the reliability of diagnostic codes and how frequently lab tests provided confirmatory diagnoses. Using this methodology, we estimated 34 425 of these diagnoses to be actual helminth infections. Incidence of helminth diagnoses were relatively steady over the 7-year study period, indicating that these results are not an incidental finding, and military personnel, veterans and their families are consistently at risk for helminth infections.

Enterobiasis (pinworm) represented over 30 000 of these diagnoses. Pinworm is a relatively common yet fairly benign worm infection endemic throughout the world, with estimates of more than 20 million individuals infected annually in the USA alone.27 Because most cases were empirically diagnosed based on symptoms or close contact status of known cases, it is possible this burden may be an overestimate. Whilst amongst the helminth infections not generally considered a travel-acquired or tropical disease, it is clear that the US MHS allocates significant resources to the treatment of pinworm.

For intestinal nematodes, diagnosis was commonly made on the basis of corresponding symptoms or self-reports of observing a worm and treated without further testing. Apart from pinworms, the most common intestinal nematodes diagnosis codes included ‘unspecified intestinal helminths’, hookworm, ascariasis and strongyloidiasis. Chart review demonstrated that the PPV of ICD codes for these intestinal nematodes ranged from 50 (for unspecified intestinal helminths) to 85% (for strongyloidiasis). These estimates may be low, as we considered a negative lab result to be indicative of a false diagnosis. However, the sensitivity of stool ova and parasite tests can be poor, particularly in populations with low parasite burdens.28 Further, an unknown number of cases do not present for care and are not diagnosed.

Diagnosis codes for infections where serological testing was available (strongyloidiasis and schistosomiasis) typically had high PPVs. This is likely due to the ease of collecting a blood sample (rather than stool sample) and the availability of these serological tests. However, a positive serological result does not necessarily indicate an active infection, and as such, these diagnoses were considered probable rather than confirmed.

Many helminth infections, including strongyloidiasis, often have vague symptoms or no apparent symptoms at all, and practitioners in the USA unfamiliar with these infections may not include them in the differential diagnosis or select suboptimal tests to make the diagnosis. This is especially concerning as strongyloidiasis can persist for years if untreated and can lead to a potentially life-threatening hyper-infection syndrome if the patient is treated with corticosteroids or other immunosuppressive medications.

Schistosomiasis diagnosis rates were similar to strongyloidiasis. If left untreated, schistosomiasis can cause chronic granulomatous inflammation and scarring of the liver, colon and urogenital tract. Additionally, in some cases, eggs can migrate to aberrant locations, including the central nervous system.29 We suspect that a large number of schistosomiasis infections are missed in this patient population, as a high percentage (44.8%) of the diagnoses reviewed in our analysis were made by biopsy specimen, indicating the infection may have progressed to a state that caused sufficient clinical symptoms to warrant endoscopic evaluation and biopsy. Thus, it is possible that many individuals with milder cases of intestinal or bladder inflammation caused by Schistosoma remain undiagnosed. Future studies will conduct manual chart reviews of larger numbers of schistosomiasis cases to determine the frequency with which symptoms led to endoscopic procedures as well as the duration of clinical symptoms prior to diagnosis.

Cestodes, particularly cysticercosis, occurred in relatively high numbers. Tapeworm infections do not typically have a high associated mortality rate but can cause clinical symptoms such as abdominal pain, anaemia and gastrointestinal issues. These can be mistaken for other gastrointestinal conditions and an accurate diagnosis may be delayed. By contrast, cysticercosis, and particularly neurocysticercosis, can lead to severe complications such as seizures and require complex specialty care to manage appropriately.30

Hepatobiliary flukes (Clonorchis, Fasciola and Opisthorchis) have recently gained attention as a concern for Vietnam War veterans due to their prevalence in the East Asia.31,32 Left untreated, these flukes can persist for decades and are known to cause cholangiocarcinoma in endemic areas. We saw few diagnoses in our population. This suggests that this may not be a priority issue for the current service personnel. However, it should be noted that the serological test for these flukes is neither highly accurate nor specific; the infection has a long latency period until hepatic complications are seen, and the US military does not currently conduct systematic screening for flukes or other helminth infections post-deployment. Low numbers of filarial infections were seen in this study. This is unsurprising, as filarial transmission is inefficient, and long-term exposure to mosquitos in an endemic area is typically required to acquire a significant infection.33

The main limitation of the study is the low sample size of the chart reviews for some diagnoses, which could impact the precision of PPV estimates. However, these results provide important context for reliance on EMRs as a surveillance tool. Chart reviews should be standard practice for surveillance of conditions that are infrequently occurring and potentially subject to miscoding. Additionally, because we were limited to reviewing records in the MHS, it is possible that PPV will vary in other contexts. However, we hypothesize that military physicians, on the whole, would be as or more experienced than civilian physicians in recognizing and testing for travel-related illnesses. Finally, the military’s high uptake of pre-travel counselling and other countermeasures may lower the risk to contract a helminth infection compared with some civilian populations. However, military personnel are also more likely to travel to high-risk areas, where helminths and vector-borne diseases are not well controlled, and have longer durations of travel. Reviews have found similar rates of traveller’s diarrhoea in military personnel and civilian long-term travellers, indicating that the risk for travel-related illness is similar.34


In summary, we found nearly 4000 non-pinworm unique subject helminth diagnoses estimated to have occurred in the US military personnel and dependents over a 7-year period. As helminth infections are often asymptomatic or misdiagnosed, these results may be underestimating the true incidence of helminth infections in US military personnel. Helminths are relatively low cost and easy to treat if diagnosed early, but they can persist for several years, and in some cases for decades, if undiagnosed. Many helminths cause severe and often chronic clinical issues. In addition to the complications from schistosomiasis, strongyloidiasis and hepatobiliary flukes discussed previously, enteric parasite infection (including helminthic parasites) has been shown to increase the risk of developing chronic gastrointestinal disorders, such as irritable bowel syndrome and gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD).35 Further, as the proportion of women in the military increases, it should be recognized that helminth infections can cause adverse outcomes during pregnancy, but treatment has been shown to be safe and effective.36 Given sustained military presence in endemic regions, these results suggest that prospective studies of US military personnel deployed to helminth-endemic areas and post-deployment screening may be warranted to further elucidate the prevalence and risk of infection.

Supplementary Material



Data presented at the American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene Annual Meeting, 2019.

Contributor Information

Alyssa R Lindrose, The Henry M. Jackson Foundation for the Advancement of Military Medicine, Bethesda, MD 20817, USA. Department of Microbiology and Immunology, Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences, Bethesda, MD 20814, USA.

Indrani Mitra, Infectious Disease Clinical Research Program, Department of Preventive Medicine and Biostatistics, Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences, Bethesda, MD 20814, USA.

Jamie Fraser, Infectious Disease Clinical Research Program, Department of Preventive Medicine and Biostatistics, Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences, Bethesda, MD 20814, USA.

Edward Mitre, Department of Microbiology and Immunology, Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences, Bethesda, MD 20814, USA.

Patrick W Hickey, Department of Pediatrics, Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences, Bethesda, MD 20814, USA.


This work (IDCRP-097) was conducted by the Infectious Disease Clinical Research Program (IDCRP), a US Department of Defense program executed by the Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences (USU) through a cooperative agreement with The Henry M. Jackson Foundation for the Advancement of Military Medicine, Inc (HJF). This project has been supported with federal funds from the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, National Institutes of Health (NIH) (Inter-Agency Agreement Y1-AI-5072) and from the Defense Health Program, US DoD (award HU0001190002).

Conflict of interest: The contents of this publication are the sole responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views, opinions or policies of USU, the Department of Defense (DoD), the Departments of the Army, Navy or Air Force, or The Henry M. Jackson Foundation for the Advancement of Military Medicine, Inc. Mention of trade names, commercial products or organizations does not imply endorsement by the US Government. Neither the authors nor their family members have a financial interest in any commercial product, service or organization providing financial support for this research.

Authors’ contribution

P.W.H., E.M. and A.R.L. conceived and designed the study. I.M. and A.R.L. analysed and interpreted data. A.R.L. and E.M. performed chart reviews. A.R.L. drafted the manuscript and carried out statistical analysis. E.M. and P.W.H. supervised the work. J.F. provided administrative and technical support. All authors provided manuscript revisions and reviewed the final manuscript.


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