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Table 2.

Estimated relationships of temperature and log2-country size with mean perceived level of danger of country-specific animal communities.

Coefficient β^ SE95% CIz-scoredfP-value
Level of danger (with outlier)
 (Intercept)1.630.51(0.64, 2.63)3.2132<.001
 Temperature–0.010.01(–0.03, 0.02)–0.4832.632
Log2(Country_size) –0.10 0.03 (–0.16, –0.04) –3.51 32 <.001
Level of danger (without outlier)
 (Intercept)–1.290.30(–1.88, –0.69)–4.2231<.001
 Temperature0.000.00(–0.01, 0.01)0.4331.665
Log2(Country_size) 0.05 0.02 (0.02, 0.08) 2.94 31 .003

Abbreviations: CI, confidence intervals; SE, standard errors.

The table reports coefficient estimates ( β^ ), standard errors (SE), 95% confidence intervals (CI), z-scores, degrees of freedom (df) and P-values. Significant coefficients in bold.
