Table 3

Exercise intensity definitions 72

Metabolic equivalent of task (MET)The ratio of the energy used up during an activity divided by the energy expended at rest (e.g. a 4 MET activity requires four times more energy than at rest).
Aerobic exercise (also named endurance activity)Activity in which large muscles are used in a rhythmic manner. During aerobic activity, the body produce energy using oxygen (e.g. bicycling, walking, and running).
Resistance exerciseMuscles contracts and work against a force or a weight (e.g. heavy lifting, push‐ups).
Light intensity physical activityActivity performed between 1.5 and 3 METs, without increasing heart rate (e.g. walking at a slow pace).
Moderate intensity activityActivity performed between 3 and 6 METs.
Vigorous physical activityActivity performed at >6.0 METs.