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Fig. 3

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Treatments for Parkinson’s disease given in addition to DAT over time. CR controlled-release, CSAI continuous subcutaneous apomorphine infusion, DAT device-aided therapy, DBS deep brain stimulation, LCIG levodopa-carbidopa intestinal gel, PD Parkinson’s disease. aZero added PD medications represents monotherapy. bPatients with DAT monotherapy and only CR formulations of levodopa as additional oral co-medication. cNumber of added PD medications refers to those given in addition to DAT in the 6 months before baseline, 90 days before and 90 days after the 12-month timepoint, and 6 months before final DAT. Levodopa may be included in the number of added PD medications. p values were calculated using chi-square test

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  • Fig. 1
  • Fig. 2
  • Fig. 3

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