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Fig. 2

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Vaccines perturbation on transcriptome profiles for blood and milk.

a Scatter plot of sample molecular degree of perturbation scores. Scores were calculated for each sample summing the absolute log2 [fold change] >1 divided by the number of perturbed genes. Scores were compared between blood and human milk in both vaccines at day1 and day 7. Line in the scatter plot represents the median value. b Radar chart showing the number of differentially expressed genes for LAIV and IIV in blood and human milk. c Dotplot showing the gene set enriched score in day 1 and day7 for IIV and LAIV. Black borders indicate scores with P adjusted <0.25. d Volcano plot for meta analysis of Spearman correlation between human milk IgA fold-change and gene expression fold-change (at days 1 and 7) and NES from GSEA analysis.

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  • Fig. 1
  • Fig. 2
  • Fig. 3

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