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Fig. 2

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EBNA1 sequences and their potential role in molecular mimicry and autoreactivity.

Computational model of EBNA1 full-length protein233 indicating the most frequent peptide epitopes associated with multiple sclerosis autoimmunity. DNA is shown as solid, protein as ribbon. Epitopes are highlighted in magenta and boxed. A partial list of EBNA1 peptides and their autoimmune properties, including immune response type and cellular protein mimic. aa, amino acids; ANO2, anoctamin 2; β-SYN, β-synuclein; CRYAB, α-crystallin B chain; DBD, DNA-binding domain; (GA)n, glycine-alanine repeats; glialCAM, glial cell adhesion molecule; MBP, myelin basic protein; NTD, amino-terminal domain.

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  • Fig. 1
  • Fig. 2
  • Fig. 3
  • Fig. 4

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