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Table 1

Critical ascent height and lifetime at critical height of Sprague-Dawley and Wistar rats in simulation of hypobaric hypoxia.

Hypobaric characteristicsSprague-DowleyWistar
Critical altitude lethal altitude9250–10668 m altitude [[49], [50], [51], [52], [53]]9754–11500 m altitude [[57], [58], [59], [60]]
High tolerancea to hypoxia rats (HHT)More than 20 min [52,[54], [55], [56]]More than 25 min [57]
Medium (normal) tolerancea to hypoxia rats (HHN)10–20 min [52,56]10–25 min [57]
Low tolerancea to hypoxia rats (hypobaric hypoxia Susceptible-HHS)Less than 10 min [55,56]Less than 10 min [57]
aThe differences in basic tolerance to oxygen deficiency. Animals are divided into tolerant- and susceptible to hypoxia groups (low, medium, high) in a decompression chamber at extreme altitudes.