Sign in to the OU website

* This field is required
' }; gigya.socialize.addEventHandlers( { onLogin: function () { //SAMS Login gigya.accounts.getAccountInfo( { callback: function (response) { if (response.errorCode == 0) { if (typeof response.UID === 'undefined') return; if (response.loginProvider == "saml-saml-azure") return; // Create CDC_UID cookie var date = new Date(); date.setTime(date.getTime() + (43200000)); // 12 hours in ms var expires = "; expires=" + date.toGMTString(); document.cookie = "CDC_UID = " + response.UID + expires + " ; ; path=/"; var qs =; CanRedirect = false; if ( == true) window.location = '' + qs + "&mandatoryPasswordChange=true"; else window.location = './SAMS001A_CDC.aspx' + qs; } } }); } }); gigya.accounts.getAccountInfo( { callback: function (response) { if (response.errorCode != 0) { // Show the login screenset if no active CDC session gigya.accounts.showScreenSet( { screenSet: 'OU-RegistrationLogin', "customButtons": customButtons, customLang: customLangParams, containerID: "container", authFlow: "redirect", sessionExpiration: '43200' }); } if (response.errorCode == 0) { // Active CDC session document.getElementById("container").innerHTML += "

You are being signed in. You will be redirected shortly.

"; // Create CDC_UID cookie var date = new Date(); date.setTime(date.getTime() + (43200000)); // 12 hours in ms var expires = "; expires=" + date.toGMTString(); document.cookie = "CDC_UID = " + response.UID + expires + " ; ; path=/"; var qs =; if (CanRedirect == true) { if ( == true) window.location = '' + qs + "&mandatoryPasswordChange=true"; window.location = './SAMS001A_CDC.aspx' + qs; } } } });

More information on our sign in and security features can be found on our help page.
