Women's Health

Women’s health is a broad category that includes health issues that are unique to women, such as menstruation and pregnancy, as well as conditions that affect both men and women, but that may affect women differently, such as heart disease and diabetes.

Understanding and improving women’s health is a central part of NICHD’s mission. Institute-led and -supported research focuses on a range of topics unique to women and females. These include gynecological health, such as menstruation; pregnancy and related topics, such as prenatal care; conditions that affect fertility, such as Primary Ovarian Insufficiency; reproductive health, such as birth control; and other conditions, such as Turner syndrome.

Because women’s health encompasses so many conditions and activities, we can’t cover all of them on this website. Instead, we offer information on some of the women’s health topics within the NICHD’s research portfolio. Each health topic includes resources for patients and families, and for providers and researchers. You may want to consult those web pages to locate more detailed information.

Visit any one of the following health topics to learn more about the institute's research efforts to related to women’s health.

NICHD Health Topics Related to Women’s Health

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