Too Loud. Too Long.

The extent of noise-related damage to your hearing depends on three factors: decibel level, distance, and time. Learn how loud noises can put children’s hearing at risk over time. 

Where Is the Noise?

Noise is everywhere. Learn which sounds and environments can put your hearing at risk and how to protect your hearing.

Tips for Teaching Kids about Noise-Induced Hearing Loss

Educators from administrators to music teachers learn how to incorporate healthy hearing messages into their daily interactions with kids.

Protect Your Hearing on the 4th

Explosions from fireworks can reach sound levels of 160 decibels. Use hearing protectors or consider less noisy backyard activities to celebrate this July 4th.  

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Enjoy the Sounds of Summer Safely

The sounds of summer are enjoyable and relaxing but can also be too loud. Remember to pack earplugs to limit your family’s exposure to potentially damaging sounds.

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Give Your Kids' Ears a Summer Break

Give your kids' ears a break this summer by exploring quiet vacation destinations in nature, such as camping in the woods or visiting a seashore or lake.

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Hear the Sounds of Nature

The Acoustical Society of America (ASA)—a partner of Noisy Planet—offers interesting sounds of nature and the science of acoustics on their Explore Sound website.

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