Library onboarding guide

There are a number of different information sources from OpenAthens to assist with the setup process. This website is a good place to start as it will take you through step by step.

If you have any questions related to the onboarding, timeline, and what to expect, your implementation team can help you.

Group of people laughing while sat with laptops

The library onboarding process at a glance

  1. Create accounts

    There are two main options for creating user accounts – connecting to your institutional directory or creating new OpenAthens accounts.

    Learn more about creating accounts
  2. Activate resources

    Perhaps the most crucial element of your OpenAthens onboarding process as far as users are concerned is making sure all the resources that your institution subscribes to are set up.

    Learn more about activating resources
  3. Update links

    Using a new resource authentication system requires that you update any links on your library portal to either give users access to relevant content or send them to the login page.

    Learn more about updating links
  4. Integrate with other apps

    OpenAthens is designed to interact successfully with many third-party applications in a number of ways, from devolving sign in to their authentication systems to enabling access to their resources through the OpenAthens login.

    Learn more about app integration
  5. Handover

    The final step of the set-up process is to make sure that all users know about the new system for accessing resources and where they can go if they need further help or information.

    Learn more about the handover
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What can you expect from your onboarding experience as a new OpenAthens customer?

Our onboarding customer charter outlines our approach, our support and your role as a customer.

Check out the onboarding customer charter

Library onboarding resources

  • Accounts management. You’ll need to decide how best to manage access to your OpenAthens resources so different users can gain access to what they need while protecting valuable content.
  • User journey. Depending on the user’s preferred research practices and institutional setup, there are different ways users could start an OpenAthens session.
  • Reporting and statistics. We know how important reporting is to libraries in order to track usage and monitor access. OpenAthens offers helpful reporting tools to ensure you have the tools needed to monitor and enhance your library services.
  • Training and development. Discover the online tools and videos we have available to help you learn and develop your OpenAthens knowledge.
  • Be part of our community. Visit our staying connected page to learn about how you’ll hear from us, and why. And how to get involved!
Two people using a laptop

What publishers and service providers are we compatible with?

Search our database of publishers and service providers that are compatible with the OpenAthens service. Filter on those that are in identity federations, or compatible with the OpenAthens Redirector or managed proxy.

Search for compatible providers