Students sitting on steps
Credits: Ian Wallman / University of Oxford

Oxford Transition Support

Helping you make the most of Oxford

Starting at Oxford is an exciting time, but it is normal to feel some anxiety about making this move. We are committed to working with you to set you up for success at the University.

Oxford Transition Support logo

Supporting your move to Oxford

Oxford degrees give you the skills to think critically and analytically, and to apply these skills to solve new problems. We will help you develop these intellectual and study skills across the teaching you engage with throughout your course.

We will also provide support on making the most of your wider student experience, for example, taking advantage of student-led activities; and information on the welfare support available to you.

Throughout your degree you will be supported by your tutor and/or supervisor, who can give you advice on academic and other parts of your journey at Oxford.

Limiting the impact of COVID-19

We know that most students’ education has been impacted by COVID-19, and we will be working hard to support you to catch up with any necessary subject knowledge or skills development you may have missed out on.

Hear from current students on their own transition experiences

Support for your arrival Support for your academic studies Support from your college Support for your wellbeing Support with your self-confidence

Resources tailored for you

Students have told us that they don’t always know where to go for support. We have created this page to help direct you toward all the support available from the University, your department and your college.

These resources will be particularly useful for new undergraduates. However, you may also wish to look at them if you are a returning student. You may also find them helpful if you are new to the UK education system. Click the buttons below to access each directory.


Other resources

There are some other resources that you may find helpful, such as the Jumpstart University hub developed by The Open University with the Russell Group.


“While you’re bound to feel a little uncertain about the challenges ahead of you, it’s important to remember that you were selected for a place at Oxford against very stiff competition, by tutors who understand what it takes to succeed on your chosen course. You should feel confident in your ability to do well here, although most students need some additional support during their studies – and you should not hesitate to ask for help when you need it. We look forward to helping you make the most of Oxford.”

Professor Martin Williams, Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Education)


Taking charge of your University experience

While the University and colleges are here to support you, it's equally important for you to actively engage in shaping your academic journey and overall Oxford experience.

Here are some important steps you can take to help enrich your overall experience: 

Attend all your scheduled teaching (tutorials, lectures, practicals, etc) – even where recordings are available

Further your academic studies beyond the core parts of your course such as by visiting Oxford’s world-class libraries and museum, or attending departmental seminars

- Make use of feedback received on previous work

- Read course information such as in handbooks or in Canvas

- Establish a good routine which supports your wellbeing, including getting enough sleep.

- Learn where to find support now so you know where to go when you need it, be it academic or non-academic. You can:

  • Make use of the wide range of free study skills and welfare support available to you
  • Ask for advice and help from your college tutor, teaching and/or support staff when you encounter challenges
  • Draw on advice and support from the Careers Service, such as individual careers advice and internship opportunities
  • Engage with Oxford’s wide range of societies and sports clubs,

    We know it’s not always easy to ask for help – but all students need support during their studies, so you should feel confident in doing so.

Colleges and departments will consult with students on aspects of Oxford life that affect you, such as how you will be taught and assessed. However, final decisions about your course will be taken by teaching staff.

Read more about personalised learning at Oxford on the Oxford Students website.

Being part of a community

Oxford is a diverse and thriving community, and students play an important role in university and college life.

Academic and professional staff are here to support you. We ask that you are respectful at all times to them, as well as other students - so we can maintain Oxford’s positive and supportive environment.

Universities thrive on freedom of expression. During your time at Oxford, you will likely encounter views or materials that you find controversial and unsettling. However, it’s important that you engage in open, constructive and civil debate and that you are open to others’ views.  

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