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Home > Protein, Sequence, or Reference Search
Protein Searches retrieve lists of proteins and their modification types based on protein name or ID, protein type, domain, cellular component, MW, and pI range. Sequence searches retrieve lists of proteins and sequences containing specified sequences, degenerate motifs, and domains. Reference searches by author or protein retrieve lists of associated literature references. PubMedID searches returns information about the sites curated from the selected paper.
If you know the identity of the proteins you are searching for, either enter their names on the left or their accession numbers on the right. Use the other boxes below to search using other criteria or to further restrict your search.
Protein name Place each entry on a new line   Id or accession Place each entry on a new line  
Protein type Press select button to begin Select Domain Press select button to begin Select
Cellular component Press select button to begin Select
Low   High
Low   High
Inherited Disease Press select button to begin Select Sequence or motif E.g. KRIHTGEKP or xxRxRxx[ST]xxxxxxx  
Sequence or motif Indicate modifications in lower case E.g. RxRxx[st] or RxRxx[ST] Domain Press select button to begin Select
  Click here to run a bulk sequence search
Protein name Place each entry on a new line   PubMed Id Place each entry on a new line  
Author name   CST Curation Set Place each entry on a new line  