Articles and reports

Dariah.lab: cultural heritage documentation

Thanks to the Dariah.lab infrastructure, the first pilot projects for the preservation and dissemination of cultural heritage resources have been implemented in 2023. Dariah.lab is a research infrastructure for the humanities and arts, built as part of the DARIAH-PL project. It serves to acquire, store and integrate cultural data from the humanities and social sciences, and to process, visualise and share digital resources.

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Experiments using the largest IBM Q quantum computers

The Polish Quantum Computing Node established at the Poznań Supercomputing and Networking Center – IBM Quantum Innovation Center – focused its activities in 2023 on expanding partnerships with leading centers and teams dealing with the development of quantum algorithms and their potential applications.

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Aviation investment in Kąkolewo

The construction of the hangar with laboratory and research facilities and its equipment is carried out as part of the “AEROSFERA” project. “The airport of things”. The main objective of the project is to provide Kąkolewo Airport with scientific and research infrastructure for conducting research and development work in the fields of air transport, utility operations, logistics, monitoring, surveillance and neutralisation of incidents and disasters.

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About PSNC anniversary in GÉANT CONNECT

The latest issue of “CONNECT” magazine, which focuses on the GÉANT network and community, published an article on three decades of activity of the Poznan Supercomputing and Networking Center. The publication describes the most important events in the history of the PSNC, which is an important international node of the European Research Area in the field of information technology infrastructure for science and an important research and development center for information and communication technologies.

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The role of artificial intelligence in medicine and neuroscience

The search for reliable and efficient algorithms to facilitate the work of doctors, the search for new biological markers for specific diseases, the support of diagnosis and better methods for quantifying the therapeutic process are among the greatest challenges of modern societies, which are being addressed at the Poznan Supercomputing and Networking Center.

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Supporting Sustainable Development: ILIAD and HiDALGO2 Projects

For over 30 years, the Poznań Supercomputing and Networking Center has been providing access to world-class e-Infrastructure, thus creating a unique research and development environment working towards socio-economic Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The projects implemented in this area at PSNC include ILIAD and HIDALGO2.

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DInGO – Digitize and Go

The past year 2023 has brought many interesting solutions in the field of digital libraries and the aggregation of digital cultural heritage data. In cooperation with the Silesian Library and the University of Wrocław the following activities were carried out: the development of the DInGO software package, which resulted in the first implementations of the seventh generation of the dLibra system, characterised by a new layout of the user interface, a new method of searching resources made available in the system and their presentation taking into account the occurrence of search terms in the content of the object.

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Listen to the podcast “Poland’s first quantum computers at PSNC”

Poland’s first quantum photonic computing systems were installed at the beginning of December 2023. Two machines from ORCA Computing, purchased as part of the EuroHPC-PL project, were delivered to the PSNC headquarters. We invite you to listen to Radio TOK FM’s interview with Piotr Rydlichowski – a specialist in quantum technologies from PSNC’s Network and Service Infrastructure Department – about how to exploit the potential of these systems.

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INSENSION: supporting people with severe intellectual disabilities

At the end of 2021, the PSNC, together with 5 partners from Poland, Spain, Germany and Slovenia, completed the INSENSION project, funded by the Horizon 2020 programme. This project was the world’s first attempt to create a technological solution that enables people with profound and multiple learning disabilities (PIMD) to use digital services and applications. The target group of the project was people who remain at a presymbolic level of communication – people who can only interact with their environment in a non-symbolic way. Therefore, the technology and prototype developed in the project has great potential to support the interaction of people with PIMD with others.

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Conference4me in 2023

For the Conference4me team, 2024 will be already the 13th year of intense activity in the conference segment of the mobile event application market. Worldwide, in 67 countries, the app has been installed by more than 250,000 users on Android and iOS platforms, during 757 conferences and 447 exhibitions.

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Report 2023: summary of the jubilee year

We invite you to read the PSNC 2023 Annual Report, which not only summarises the activities of the Poznan Supercomputing and Networking Center over the past year, but also marks the twelve-month celebration of the 30th anniversary of the PSNC’s activities and the 20th anniversary of the PIONIER Consortium.

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