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Data & Analysis Basic Overview

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About Data & Analysis

The Data & Analysis tab lets you filter, classify, merge, clean, and statistically analyze your response data:

  1. Click Data & Analysis to reveal up to 6 key sections.
    image of the data & analysis banner showing all of the subsections
  2. Select between the sections as introduced below:
    • Data
    • Text
    • Stats iQ
    • Predict iQ
    • Crosstabs
    • Weighting
    • Audio & Video

On this support page, we’ll introduce the core features included in Data & Analysis, specifically in survey projects.

Qtip: Some of these tabs, like Predict iQ and Stats iQ are add on features. If you’d like to purchase access to them, contact your Qualtrics Account Executive.

Data Section

Most filtering, classifying, merging, importing, and data cleaning activities take place within the Data section. For example:

  1. Display and review results in the responses window by toggling between your:
    image of the data & Analysis tab. The Add filter button on the top left is highlighted and the response count in the top right is highlighted
  2. Filter by specific questions or by your saved filters, survey metadata, contact fields, or embedded data fields.
    Qtip: See the Filtering Responses page for more details.
  3. Navigate page-by-page through your responses.
    navigating through pages of responses & export/import button
  4. Click the Export & Import drop-down menu to import responses, combine responses from multiple surveys, manage your previous downloads, or export your data in various formats.
  5. Click into individual answers to edit responses. You can add answers to individual responses or make essential edits, such as removing foul language.
    image of the data tab. The tools dropdown in the top right is expanded
    Qtip: See the Editing Responses page for more details.
  6. Translate responses, save column layouts, or set up projects as a supplemental data source under the Tools drop-down menu.
  7. Select the columns for your data table by clicking Column chooser.
    the column chooser menu
  8. Delete, edit, or revert changes to multiple responses by using the checkboxes in the data table.
  9. Click any column header to move, hide, or sort columns (e.g., A-Z). You can also view responses as numeric values (also known as recode values) in a column.
    image of the data tab. A column of data is selected.
  10. Click the 3 horizontal dots to see more options, including deleting individual responses, exporting data to a PDF, or issuing a survey retake.
    clicking the three dots menu next to a response
    Qtip: See the Retake Survey Link page for more details.

Text Section (Text iQ)

image of the text tab of the data section

The Text section contains Text iQ tools. Use Text iQ to tag text entry responses with topics for analysis. In the below image:

  • Multiple topics have been tagged in the Topics pane (e.g., “food,” “burgers,” and “ice cream”).
  • Multiple topics can be assigned to your responses.
  • Lemmatization includes various forms of words (such as “burger” and “burgers”).

Text iQ generates various widgets that will give insight to your text analysis. For example, this constellation chart displays the frequency with which certain terms appeared in all the responses. Dots in the constellation get larger as the term appears more frequently.

image of the text tab of the data section with a keyword web visible

Create as many new topics as you need to explore your text responses in depth. Additionally, the Text iQ search will help you pinpoint your topics. Lemmatization and spell check will also speed up your topic tagging:

  • Lemmatization: Dissects words by their roots and tags them accordingly (e.g., car = car, cars, car’s, cars’).
  • Spell check: Variations of misspelled words like “ice creem” or “icecream” will be tagged as “ice cream.”
Qtip: See the Text iQ page for details on how to get the most out of Text iQ.

Stats iQ Section

When you click the Stats iQ section, you’ll open Qualtrics Stats iQ. This will let you dig deep into your analysis, identify trends, and produce predictive models. Stats iQ is a powerhouse statistical tool that can be appreciated by novice and expert analysts alike.

Attention: Stats iQ is an add-on feature not included in the standard Qualtrics license. If you don’t have a Stats iQ section, please contact your Qualtrics Account Executive for more information.

Access Stats iQ by selecting the Stats iQ section. From there:

  1. Use the variable pane to select your variable. You can include any or all of the questions in a survey. The search box lets you quickly locate a single variable.
    image of the stats iq section of the data tab. a workspace with a regression analysis is visible.
  2. Choose one of the analysis buttons (Describe, Relate, Regression, or PivotTable) to trigger statistics for your selected variables.
  3. Each analysis will appear as an analysis card in the workspace with each new card appearing above previous cards. A collection of cards is called a workbook.

Stats iQ can analyze data collected in Qualtrics, as well as any outside data you’ve uploaded following the Imported Data Projects instructions. For more information, visit the Stats iQ Basic Overview page.

Predict iQ Section

Attention: Predict iQ isn’t available for all users. If you are interested in this feature, please contact your Qualtrics Account Executive to see if you qualify.

Predict iQ analyses your respondents’ survey responses and embedded data to predict when a customer will eventually churn (abandon the company). Once a churn prediction model is configured in Predict iQ, newly collected responses will be evaluated for how likely the respondent is to churn, allowing you to be proactive in your company’s customer retention.
image of the predict iq tab of the data & analysis section

For in-depth information about using Predict iQ, see the Predict iQ support page.

Crosstabs Section

Crosstabs perform multivariate analysis (i.e., analyzing 2 or more variables at a time) while calculating p-value, Chi-Square, and T-Test stats.

Typically used with multiple choice and matrix table questions, you can also add embedded data to your crosstabs.

In any crosstab visualization, rows are called stubs and columns are called banners.

Cross Tabs, a gray matrix with a blue top row of labels, and percentages and capital letters

In the above image, you can see that marital status is being associated with level of education.

The capital letters in this image represent statistical comparisons between columns. In the case of where the “Divorced” column intersects with the “Bachelor’s degree” row,  there is a capital C. This means that respondents that are Divorced are significantly more likely than those in column C, the Never Married respondents, to indicate that they have a Bachelor’s degree.

Qtip: The example above was an example of the Column Percentages (Answering) and Column Stats Test (Answering) calculations. Review the Crosstabs page for step-by-step instructions on how to perform these kinds of calculations, and more

Significance is determined by adjusting the Confidence Level. Click the button in the upper-right to change the threshold in which difference are considered statistically significant.

After clicking the confidence level button in the upper-right, a new window opens overtop with a dropdown where a new confidence level can be selected

Qtip: Read the Crosstab Options page for instructions on additional options that can inform your calculations.

Weighting Section

Surveys sample larger populations. The Weighting section lets you adjust your sample to account for underrepresented populations.

Qtip: For step-by-step instructions on how to apply weighting, visit the Response Weighting page.

For example, say that you are surveying conference attendees from all over Canada, yet you need your sample to proportionally reflect each province. You may want to re-weight the survey to reflect your desired distribution. In the below image:

  • Alberta is underrepresented, hosting just 7.5% of survey takers, but 11.57% of the population of Canada.
  • Ontario is also underrepresented, containing 38.26% of the population, yet only contributing 7% of the survey respondents.
  • The Yukon territory is overrepresented with 10.4% of the survey participants, yet they are only 0.10% of the Canadian population.

Example of weighting responses

It’s easy to change the weighting (by percentage) in the Target weighted column. Your percentages will equal 100% in the end.

Response weighting can be applied to your Results-Reports. You can turn your weightings on or off globally (for a whole report) or for a single visualization (a graph or table).
"Use weighted metrics" option in the Results-Reports Global Options

Multiple Variables

There are 2 options for weighting multiple variables:

  • Raked Weighting: Calculate 2 (or more) variables independently and display them side-by-side.
  • Interlocked Weighting: Overlay 2 or more demographics. For example, melding a “Years of Experience” variable with a “Province” variable.
Qtip: For more information about interlocked and raked weightings, explore the Response Weighting page.

Making Decisions About Weighting

There are many potential causes of a skewed survey:

  • Non-response: Certain demographics fail to respond to your survey.
  • Panel design: Your panel (list of targeted respondents) hasn’t been properly selected.
  • Self-selection: Those who opt into your survey don’t reflect your targeted demographic.
  • Sample size: You may not have enough respondents to be significant.

This is where the Weighting section is helpful. It’s here that you can study and interpret problems with the representativeness of your data that may make it difficult to reach reliable conclusions based upon your response distribution.

Qtip: Read more about interpreting statistics on the Understanding Statistics page.

Audio and Video Section

If your survey contains a video response question, you can view and edit the audio and video responses within the Audio & Video tab in Data & Analysis. From here, you can view transcripts, make clips from audio and video responses, and assemble them into highlight reels. You can also leverage AI-driven insights to identify themes in your video responses.

For more information, see Audio & Video Editor.

