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Patient Experience with Nursing Widget (CX)

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About Patient Experience with Nursing Widgets

The Patient Experience with Nursing widget calculates patient experience performance according to the Magnet Recognition Program® submission requirements and displays it in a table. Survey scores are grouped into 9 categories. Each score is compared against the benchmark for the category to see if it has outperformed it. These comparisons are broken out into 8 columns, 1 for each of the most recent 8 consecutive quarters of patient experience data.

Qtip: Patient Experience with Nursing widgets always display eight quarters of data. If you add a date filter to your dashboard to display more or less than eight quarters, your Patient Experience with Nursing widgets will still display eight quarters. Any quarters without data will be blank.

3 table views are available for the widget: Location Summary, Unit Summary, and Unit Detail.

a magnet reporting widget in location summary view

Attention: Qualtrics recommends that you do not edit Patient Experience with Nursing widgets due to the complexity of their configuration. If you have configuration questions, reach out to your Technical Account Manager.
Qtip: You can use any custom date field in the Patient Experience with Nursing widget’s setup (such as discharge date). If you’d like to make changes, talk to your Technical Account Manager.

Patient Experience with Nursing Location Summary View

a magnet reporting widget in location summary view

The Location summary table view displays the total number of participating units with at least 1 response per category for a single location and care setting. The percentage of units with at least 1 question outperforming the national benchmark is calculated for each category and each quarter.

If the percentage of units outperforming the benchmark is over 51%, the cell value is displayed in green, if it is under 51% it is displayed in red. 51% of units need to outperform the benchmark in at least 4 categories to meet Magnet Recognition Program® submission requirements.

Hover over a specific score to display additional information.

hovering over a specific score in the widget with additional information displayed in a popup

Patient Experience with Nursing Unit Summary View

magnet reporting widget in unit summary view

The Unit summary table view displays the top performing question in each category for a single location, care setting, and unit. Question performance against the most favorable benchmark for that question is displayed for each quarter. The question is compared against each of the available benchmarks and displayed green if it is outperforming the score of any benchmark, or red if it is scoring below the benchmarks.

The top performing question is determined by seeing which question exceeds the national benchmark in the most quarters during the 8 quarter submission period. If there are multiple questions that exceed the national benchmark over the same number of quarters, the question that outperformed the national benchmark by the highest performance score margin will be selected.

Hover over a specific score to display additional information.

additional information displayed for a specific score in a unit summary widget

Patient Experience with Nursing Unit Detail View

magnet reporting widget in unit detail view

The Unit detail table view displays a list of all questions in each category for a single location, care setting, and unit. Question performance against the benchmark is displayed for each quarter. Green indicates the score is outperforming the benchmark, and red indicates it is scoring below the benchmark.

Hover over a specific score to display additional information.

additional information displayed in a popup for a specific metric in the unit detail view

Export Submission Report

You can export a PDF of your Patient Experience with Nursing widget’s data, formatted and labeled according to the Magnet® Program Application Manual.

The submission report can be exported from all 3 widget views, including location summary, unit summary, and unit detail.

Qtip: We recommend including 8 quarters of data, per the Magnet Recognition Program® submission requirements.
  1. Click Export submission report.
    Blue export button in upper-left of widget
  2. Confirm that the correct location, care setting, and date range are displayed. If not, try adjusting the filters on your dashboard.
    New modal opens where there are fields for location, care setting, and so on
  3. Confirm that the correct metric is being used.
    Qtip: If you’d like to switch to a different metric, we recommend reaching out to your Technical Account Manager. Please keep in mind that changing the metric will change all of the values in the widget.
  4. Select the Magnet manual version that data will be submitted for. This will label the data in the report according to Magnet Recognition Program® submission requirements.
    Configure your magnet widget export then click download
  5. Select your top 4 performing categories.
  6. Click Download report.
  7. Do not exit the window while the report is downloading.
    Image of a loading banner along the top of the modal
Warning: If there’s ever an issue with the export, the export will stop and display an error message. If you encounter this, please try to export the report again later, or reach out to your Technical Account Manager.
Warning: Depending on the data collected, some combinations of category and unit may have no graphs in the submission report. This may happen if there is no top performing question available for that category and unit. You can verify by looking at the Unit Summary View of the widget. Although rare, if all selected categories do not have any unit with a top performing question, there will be no graphs in the submission report.

Example Export

Here is an example of a title page in the export. You will see all the information you confirmed during export, such as location, date range, care setting, metrics, and the results you chose.

Preview of a PDF titled magnet submission report

The report includes a graph and table for each unit, organized by the 4 categories selected. Each graph and the table reflect the unit’s performance against a national benchmark in the categories selected over the course of 8 quarters in the reporting period.
Preview of a PDF with a bar chart in it

Qtip: If there is not enough survey data for the quarter, a notation will be included in the graph and table.

Export Benchmark CSV File

You can export a CSV file that shows how well each of your areas performed on a series of benchmarks, with the best performing benchmark called out for each survey item.

The metric type used in the CSV file (average vs. top box) is based on the widget’s configuration.

Qtip: If you’d like to switch to a different metric, we recommend reaching out to your Technical Account Manager. Please keep in mind that changing the metric will change all of the values in the widget.
  1. Click the drop-down arrow next to the export button.
    Dropdown arrow next to export button
  2. Select Export benchmark CSV file.
  3. Click Export.
    New window that says, export your benchmark and survey data as a CSV file. Export CSC button in bottom-right

Example Export

Image of benchmark info in a spreadsheet

Every row represents a question for a unit. For every unit’s every question, you’ll see:

  • Scoring category
  • Question text
  • Response scale (e.g., 1 to 5)
  • Response “n” size
  • Average survey score
  • Metric (average or top box)
  • Best performing benchmark
  • Average performance on all benchmarks
  • Average performance on individual benchmarks

Dashboard Requirements

To successfully display Patient Experience with Nursing reporting data, make sure your dashboard adheres to the following requirements:

  • Response minimums: Questions must have at least 7 responses to be displayed in the Patient Experience with Nursing dashboard. The performance score for any question with less than seven responses per quarter will not be displayed in the dashboard.
  • Filter limits: When filtering your dashboard, make sure you only have 1 location and/or care setting selected as part of your dashboard filter. Patient Experience with Nursing widgets will not load if more than 1 location or care setting is selected.

Date Filters

It’s important to understand how the Patient Experience with Nursing widget interacts with date filters in order to ensure the data you include in submission packets is its most accurate.

The Patient Experience with Nursing widget always shows 8 columns of data, despite the dashboard filters.

Example: The dashboard is only filtered to show 4 quarters of data. On the Patient Experience with Nursing widget, it looks like 4 quarters don’t have data.
Example: The dashboard is only filtered to show 10 quarters of data. On the Patient Experience with Nursing widget, it looks like only the first 8 quarters captured in the filter have data.

Likewise, be careful when you adjust your filters to exact days, as this can affect the data included in quarterly calculations.

Example: Our dashboard contains data from February 12 until today. Our Patient Experience with Nursing widget’s Q1 data will exclude everything from January 1 – February 11.


The Magnet Recognition Program® designates organizations worldwide where nursing leaders successfully align their nursing strategic goals to improve the organization’s patient outcomes. The Magnet Recognition Program® provides a roadmap to nursing excellence, which benefits the whole of an organization.

A Magnet® designated hospital is stated to be one where nursing delivers excellent patient outcomes, nurses have a high level of job satisfaction, and there is a low staff nurse turnover rate and appropriate grievance resolution.

Attention: Magnet® is a registered trademark of the American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC). Qualtrics is not affiliated with ANCC, however Qualtrics worked collaboratively with the ANCC Magnet Recognition Program® to support the 2023 Magnet® Application Manual guidelines and created a crosswalk of survey questions that meet the nine category areas for patient experience with nursing and seven category areas for nurse satisfaction. The crosswalk was approved by the ANCC Magnet Program in July, 2019.

Additional Options

Click the 3 horizontal dots in the top-right corner of the widget and select View data to view a table containing all data within the widget.

"view data" option within a magnet reporting widget
