Publications related to R

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This page gives a partially annotated list of publications that are related to S or R and may be useful to the R user community. Note that books are listed on a separate page.

[1] Vito Ricci. Rappresentazione analitica delle distribuzioni statistiche con R (prima parte). Economia e Commercio, 1/2:47--60, 2005. [ bib | ]
This paper deals with distribution fitting using R environment for statistical computing. It treats briefly some theoretical issues and it points out especially practical ones proposing some examples of R statements for data graphical exploration and presentation, parameters' estimates of patterns and tests for goodness of fit.
[2] Vito Ricci. R : un ambiente opensource per l'analisi statistica dei dati. Economia e Commercio, 1:69--82, 2004. [ bib | ]
This paper would be a short introduction and overview about the language and environment for statistical analysis R, without entering in specific details too much computational. I give a look about this opensource software pointing out its main features, its functionalities, its pros and cons describing some libraries and the kind of analysis they support. I supply a summary, with a short description, about many resources concerning R that can be found in the Web: the most are in English language, but there are also some in the Italian language. The aim of this work is to contribute in increasing of the use of the R environment in Italy among statistical researchers trying to “advertise” this software and its opensource philosophy.
[3] Stephen P. Ellner. Review of R, version 1.1.1. Bulletin of the Ecological Society of America, 82(2):127--128, April 2001. [ bib ]
[4] Paulo J. Ribeiro, Jr. and Patrick E. Brown. Some words on the R project. The ISBA Bulletin, 8(1):12--16, March 2001. [ bib | ]
[5] Reinhard Furrer and Diego Kuonen. GRASS GIS et R: main dans la main dans un monde libre. Flash Informatique Spécial Été, pages 51--56, sep 2001. [ bib | ]
[6] Diego Kuonen and Valerie Chavez. R - un exemple du succès des modèles libres. Flash Informatique, 2:3--7, 2001. [ bib | ]
[7] Diego Kuonen and Reinhard Furrer. Data mining avec R dans un monde libre. Flash Informatique Spécial Été, pages 45--50, sep 2001. [ bib | ]
[8] Diego Kuonen. Introduction au data mining avec R : vers la reconquête du `knowledge discovery in databases' par les statisticiens. Bulletin of the Swiss Statistical Society, 40:3--7, 2001. [ bib | ]
[9] Brian D. Ripley. The R project in statistical computing. MSOR Connections. The newsletter of the LTSN Maths, Stats & OR Network., 1(1):23--25, February 2001. [ bib ]
[10] Kurt Hornik and Friedrich Leisch, editors. Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Distributed Statistical Computing (DSC 2001), Technische Universität Wien, Vienna, Austria, 2001. ISSN 1609-395X. [ bib | ]
[11] Robert Gentleman and Ross Ihaka. Lexical scope and statistical computing. Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics, 9:491--508, 2000. [ bib | DOI | ]
[12] Paul Murrell and Ross Ihaka. An approach to providing mathematical annotation in plots. Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics, 9:582--599, 2000. [ bib | DOI ]
[13] Francisco Cribari-Neto and Spyros G. Zarkos. R: Yet another econometric programming environment. Journal of Applied Econometrics, 14:319--329, 1999. [ bib | DOI | ]
[14] Ross Ihaka and Robert Gentleman. R: A language for data analysis and graphics. Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics, 5(3):299--314, 1996. [ bib | DOI ]

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