Over 400 ICT experts from universities and research centres take part in the RedIRIS Technical Conference in Madrid

All the Technical Conference sessions will be streamed live on the event website http://www.rediris.es/jt/jt2013/

From today until Friday 25 October, the Industrial Engineering School of Madrid Polytechnic (Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingenieros Industriales - Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (ETSII-UPM) will host the 24th RedIRIS Technical Conference. This year's edition brings together over 400 experts and network and IT service managers from RedIRIS-affiliated institutions - universities, research centres and regional networks for the most part - to exchange information and share experiences.

The opening ceremony took place at 10:00 and was chaired by the General Director of Scientific and Technical Research of the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, Juan María Vázquez; César Miralles Cabrera, General Director of Red.es; Juan José Moreno, Vice Rector´s Office for Information and Communication Services from Madrid Polytechnic; and Jesús Félez Mindán, director of E.T.S. Industrial Engineering from Madrid Polytechnic.

The opening talk was then given by Francisco Sánchez, founder of the Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias (Canary Islands Astrophysics Institute) and a constant driving force behind scientific and technical research associatedin the field of astrophysics.

The conference lasts three days and there will be plenary presentations from José Jiménez, a strategic consultant who will discuss the Future Internet PPP, and Andreu Veà, the chairman of ISOC-ES, who will present his book “Cómo creamos internet” ("How we created the Internet"). In addition, different sessions will be held simultaneously dealing with various issues, most notably: more intelligence/efficiency in our institutions; more data that is more secure and more efficient; more science with more ICT; new trends in teaching and learning; and university network architectures.

A roundtable discussion will be held as the Technical Conference's closing event. IT services and network technicians from RedIRIS-affiliated institutions who have participated very actively with RedIRIS in various stages will have the opportunity to give their opinion on RedIRIS's impact on the academic and scientific community, and on the community's impact on RedIRIS.

After this session, the event will be officially closed by Juan José Moreno, Madrid Polytechnic's Vice-Chancellor of IT and Communication Services, and Tomás de Miguel, Director of RedIRIS.

This edition of the RedIRIS Technical conference is partnered by sixteen companies in the sector, including the special sponsors Alcatel-Lucent and Teltek. They will take part in the event by giving lectures during the technical sessions and demonstrating their products in an exhibition area.

The RedIRIS Technical Conference and the Working Groups will take place at the same time as the RedIRIS 25th Anniversary Technology Exhibition. The latter has been organised to commemorate RedIRIS's 25 years in existence and will be open in the National Museum of Natural Sciences (Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales - MNCN-CSIC) from 22 to 25 October, providing RedIRIS Technical Conference attendees with an opportunity to take a tour through the technological breakthroughs of recent decades and see the equipment that made the Internet revolution possible.

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More information on this event: http://www.rediris.es/jt/jt2013/
