Occupational Safety and Radiation Protection



+49 241 80-98225



Our Responsibilities

The Occupational Safety and Radiation Protection Staff Unit deals with tasks and questions concerning workplace safety and radiation protection. In this, the Staff Unit is directly assigned to the Chancellor. The leadership of the Staff Unit is entrusted to the senior RWTH workplace safety professional.

The Occupational Safety and Radiation Protection staff support and advise all employees of RWTH Aachen University in all manner of occupational safety and radiation and health protection matters. Thus, for all questions dealing with workplace safety or radiation protection – whether it be at the office, at the shop, at the lab, or wherever else people work with hazardous substances at the university – the Staff Unit is the right point of contact.

Occupational Safety

This is the workplace of all appointed occupational safety professionals and trainees. Their responsibilities are regulated by Section 6 of the Occupational Safety Act. Among others, they are tasked with supporting and advising the administration of the University as well as other persons responsible for workplace safety and accident prevention in all matters related to occupational protection, including the functional design of work processes and spaces according to the principles of human-factors engineering. They also play an important role when new equipment, facilities, or work processes are introduced in that they examine the safety-related aspects involved. They furthermore monitor that occupational safety and accident prevention measures are implemented while also guiding staff to behave according to safety-related principles and teaching and training them to avoid hazards.

Radiation Protection

The top priority for the radiation protection professionals is the protection of humans and the environment from radioactive substances or ionizing radiation. Thus, the employees of this unit deal with all matters that serve to avoid unnecessary exposure to radiation and limit and reduce radiation dose. Accordingly, they supervise the handling of radioactive materials as well as the operation of x-ray and laser facilities in research, engineering and medicine.


Common Questions About the Staff Unit

Coronavirus pandemic: where do I find information on the procedures for implementing protective measures?

The relevant documents are available on the Intranet pandemic page.

What is the correct procedure after an occupational or commuting accident?

In the event of an occupational or commuting accident, an Accident Notice (de) must be filled out, as well as the attached Accident Explanation (de). Additional information can be found on our page about accidents.

Is there information about occupational safety at the university, specifically regarding assistance in creating risk assessments?

Yes, we possess a digital risk assessment database. This can be accessed through our AGU management system.

Can I find more information on the topic of occupational safety and radiation protection anywhere?

Yes, for further information, please visit our Intranet pages (de).

Where can I view the laws and regulations that are required to be posted by law?

The relevant legal documents are available on the intranet on the AGU Management System or in the collection of rules and regulations on occupational safety, environmental protection, and technology law.



Name Contact
Dr. Heike Wolf
Phone: +49 241 80-94291

Stellvertretende Leitung
stellvertr. Abteilungsleitung
Maryam Delavarian M.Sc.
Phone: +49 241 80-97097

M. Delavarian ist außerdem als Sicherheitsfachkraft im Arbeitsschutz tätig.
Marion ThielenPhone: +49 241 80-98225

Karl-Heinz Altmann
Phone: +49 241 80-97083

Achim Christoph B.Sc.Phone: +49 241 80-93611

Tamara Höffkes Master of Business Admin.Phone: +49 241 80-98402

Mareike KempenPhone: +49 241 80-94245

Betriebswirt (HWK)
Michael Kortz
Phone: +49 241 80-98404

Saskia Krott B.Sc.Phone: +49 241 80-98258

Betriebswirt (VWA), Staatlich geprüfter Techniker
Guido Krutt
Phone: +49 241 80-94247

Sven Nickel B.Sc.Phone: +49 241 80-97084

Dipl.-Ing. Britta DerichsPhone: +49 241 80-94306

Dipl.-Ing. (FH)
Marc Haberhauer
Phone: +49 241 80-98401

Grit Kern M.A.Phone: +49 241 80-94255

Georg MennickenPhone: +49 241 80-94305
