Careers for Researchers

  Dialogue between Junior Professors and Students Copyright: © Martin Braun

As part of its Institutional Stategy RWTH Aachen aims to be a "place to be," a place that makes top research and teaching possible and supports scientists with discovering and living up to their full potential.


By depicting structured and transparent career paths, RWTH Aachen offers its junior researchers a suitable framework for career development and highlights possible career goals both within and ouside of the University.

To help its scientists achieve these career goals the University offers them attractive opportunities to develop their skills. The continuing education offers are oriented towards the fields of action in RWTH's Guidelines for the Human Resources Development Concept "Inspire, Empower, Initiate."

Doctoral Academy

The RWTH Doctoral Academy – formerly known as the Center for Doctoral Studies, CDS – offers doctoral students a wide range of transversal skills development courses as well as coaching and advising for systematic career planning.

Center for Professional Leadership – CPL

The Center for Professional Leadership, CPL for short, assists scientists at all points of their career after their doctoral studies with all career and management qualifications. With a comprehensive offer of continuing education opportunities, seminars, workshops, coachings, and mentoring programs, postdocs, mid-level academic staff, science managers, and (junior) professors receive support with mastering their demanding responsibilities and developing their careers.

Career Advising for Researchers

In every phase of one's academic path it is important to consider the development of one's career in general. In addition to the targeted career advising and mentoring supplied by first line supervisors in a given field, the RWTH Aachen Division of Career Development offers researchers the opportunity to participate in individually tailored career advising to further support them in their personal career development.