Funding Programs for Junior Research Groups


Funding programs for junior research groups are typically targeted at outstanding postdocs with research experience whose doctorate has been completed a few years ago. As a rule, funding is provided for an entire group of junior researchers, including for project resources, for a period of five to six years. In this way, the program allows young scholars to conduct independent research early on in their careers.


In the following, you'll find an overview of selected externally funded junior research groups at RWTH Aachen University and Uniklinik RWTH Aachen. Some of the junior research group leaders hold a junior professorship at RWTH. There are currently about 40 junior professors at RWTH in total.

Title Applicant Funding Period
Emmy Noether Program (DFG)
The role of gut immune cells as a novel therapeutical target for cardiovascular disease

Dr. Florian Kahles

since 2023
Graph Embeddings: Theory meets Practice Prof. Dr. Christopher Morris since 2022
Using spatially resolved functional genomics to dissect mechanisms of chronic kidney disease and identify novel therapeutic targets Dr. Christoph Kuppe since 2021
Adaptation to the Transition out of Upper Secondary Education: Experiences, Memories, Self-Beliefs Prof. Dr. Andreas Neubauer since 2021
Separation control with Air Jet Vortex Generator arrays in transonic and supersonic flow Dr.-Ing. Anne Marie Schreyer since 2017
Title Applicant Funding Period
Returning Scholars Program (North Rhine Westphalia)
Neuro-immune crosstalk in the second brain – from molecular mechanisms to new therapeutic strategies for colorectal cancer Prof. Dr. med. Dr. rer. nat. Kai Markus Schneider since 2023
From phenotypes and shared genes to therapy - Using integrated multi-omics for precision therapy of metabolic liver diseases Dr. med. Carolin Schneider since 2023
Multimodale pathophysiologische Charakterisierung der Plaque Erosion Dr. Anne Cornelissen since 2022
Simulation von Energiespeicher- und Energieumwandlungsmaterialien unter Verwendung semiempirischer Elektronenstrukturtheoriemethoden Prof. Dr. Christoph Bannwarth since 2021
Learning From Networks With Unobserved Edges Prof. Michael Schaub, Ph. D. since 2020

Title Applicant Funding Period
BattFutur – Junior Research Group in Batteries Research (BMBF)
Fast Performance Characterization of Lithium-ion Batteries from Production Lines with Machine Learning (SPEED) Dr.-Ing. Weihan Li since 2024

Title Applicant Funding Period
NanoMatFutur Competition for Early-Career Researchers (BMBF)
Bioinspirierte materialgetriebene Textilien für kardiovaskuläre Implantate (TeXlastins) Dr. Alicia Fernández Colino since 2022

Applicant Funding Period
Liebig Fellowship (Chemical Industry Fund of the German Chemical Industry Association Verband der Chemischen Industrie VCI)
Dr. Florian Mulks since 2022

Further Junior Research Groups

Title Applicant Funding Period
Junior Principal Investigator Fellowships (RWTH Aachen University)
HiLLSiDe: High-fidelity, Low-cost Landslide Simulation for Informed Decision-making Dr. Douglas Ramalho Queiroz Pacheco since 2024
CAD-oriented simulation in real time for digital structures Dr. Margarita Chasapi since 2024
Prognosis in patients with Friedreich Ataxia Dr. Stella Glasmacher since 2024
Towards precision medicine for hepatocellular carcinoma Harnessing integrated multi-omics, mechanistic modelling, and AI for HCC prevention in patients Dr. Carolin Schneider since 2024
Re-imagining open public spaces for climate resilience and action at university campuses Dr. Ceren Sezer since 2024
Gut-liver crosstalk in PSC – From molecular mechanisms to personalized diagnostics and therapy Prof. Dr. med. Dr. rer. nat. Kai Markus Schneider since 2022
Machine Learning with Graphs: From Theory to Applications in Science and Engineering Prof. Dr. Christopher Morris since 2022
The development of high-level visual cortex Dr. Marisa Nordt since 2022
Theranostic Targeting of Myeloid and Fibrogenic Cells Dr. Alexandros Marios Sofias since 2022
New Nanomaterial-based Tools for Diagnostics and Immunotherapy Dr. Roger Molto Pallares since 2021
Translating Functional Near-Infrared-Spectroscopy Neurofeedback Training for Depressive Disorder - a Research and Development Roadmap with Broad Clinical Potential David Mehler, PhD since 2021
Multilevel Quantum Chemical Strategies to Simulate Organic Optical Materials Prof. Dr. Christoph Bannwarth since 2021
Multifunctional Compositionally Complex Materials Dr. Clio Azina since 2021
Architectural Design Categorization Based on Expert and Non- Expert Judgements of Buildings Dr. Josep Llorca-Bofí since 2021
Between Patronage, Social Mobility, and Technical Innovation: Laboring Poor and Their Networks in the Middle Ages Dr. Julia Exarchos since 2020