Contact Us

We’ve answered many common queries in the various pages and links throughout this site. If you still require assistance, please take a look at the options below and follow the steps given. 

PLEASE NOTE: If you are a student or faculty member and are trying to “use Shibboleth” to gain access to something, you are not in the right place. We make the software but we do not run it for your organization or provide access to any services you may be trying to use. You should contact your home organization instead. See also this wiki page.

I have a question about membership

I need to update my member support information

If you need to update the list of individuals with support access or alter any of their details, please have your member access coordinator update your page in the MEMBER wiki space.

I have a technical issue

Community technical support is available via our users mailing list. For general questions, deployment issues, or troubleshooting help, please sign up to our users mailing list.


Direct support from the core development team is available to Consortium Members. For more information about support options available, please click here.


PLEASE NOTE: If you are a student or faculty member and are trying to “use Shibboleth” to gain access to something, you are not in the right place. We make the software but we do not run it for your organization or provide access to any services you may be trying to use. You should contact your home organization instead.

I have a development topic I'd like to discuss

Members of the Consortium are invited to share feedback and make feature requests through our regular development calls, their member representative or the Consortium Manager. Find out more on our support page


Non-members who would like to discuss ongoing development topics are invited to join our Development Mailing List. Sign up here.

I want to report a security issue

You can report a security issue by sending a message to

If you feel encrypted email is warranted, please contact us there and we can identify a developer to receive the message.