STIS Cycle-22 Calibration Phase-1 Template Last Revised: 07/30/2014 Proposal ID: 13987 Title: CCD Spectroscopic Dispersion Solutions PI: P. Sonnentrucker Co-I(s): C. Proffitt --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Orbit estimates are TOTAL for all of cycle-22; assume 52 weeks) Total Prime Orbits: 0 External Parallel Orbits: 0 Internals or no-impact orbits: 3 Comments on orbit estimate: Annual Monitoring program --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # This section should be written with a GO audience in mind -- use # Calibration plans in WFPC-2 handbook as a guide. Purpose: To constrain the wavelength and spatial distortion maps Description: Internal wavecals will be obtained with all 6 gratings (G230LB, G230MB, G430L, G430M, G750L, G750M) supported for use with the CCD. All observations will be obtained with the 52x0.1 aperture, which maps to 2 pixels at the CCD. The HITM1 lamp will be used, rather than the LINE lamp. The HITM1 lamp has a more favorable spatial illumination pattern, dropping by only a factor of 3 at row 900, relative to the peak brightness at row 420. Accuracy: 0.2 pixels Comments on Accuracy: Wavelength accuracy goal for row 900. Wavelength coefficients are tabulated every 32 rows in the CCD dispersion (_dsp) reference file. Exposure times in this program have typically been chosen to yield a S/N ratio of at least 10 per pixel in row 900 after combining 32 rows. This constraint must be satisfied in the left, middle, and right thirds of the image. Existing HITM1 wavecals were used to estimate exposure times assuming no significant degradation since Cycle 18. Products: Accuracy of the existing CCD dispersion (_dsp) reference file will be assessed and described in a Cycle 21 close-out report. If necessary, a new reference file will be created and delivered along with a supporting Instrument Science Report (ISR). --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Link to Cycle 22 Science # Use the GO + GTO Phase 1 exposure listing and derived statistics # posted on WWW. Fraction of science programs supported by this calibration: 18% of STIS total exposure time. List categories of science which can't be executed until after this proposal: None why: List categories of science which are best performed contemporaneous with this proposal: None why: Calibrations can be applied after the observations --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # THE REST OF THIS FORM IS FOR INTERNAL USE --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Observation summary: Internal wavecals (TARGET=NONE, LAMP=HITM1) will be obtained with all 6 gratings (G230LB, G230MB, G430L, G430M, G750L, G750M) supported for use with the CCD. All observations will be obtained with the 52x0.1 aperture, which maps to 2 pixels at the CCD. Below is a summary table with information about each grating (column 1) and central wavelength (column 2) combination that appears in this program. Column 3 lists exposure times with the HITM1 lamp. Comparison of G430L/4300 HITM1 spectrum with one LINE lamp spectrum was dropped as of Cycle 18. Grat Wave Exptime GAIN Comment (AA) (s) G230LB 2375 220 4 G230MB 1713 368 1 G230MB 1995 190 1 G230MB 2416 41 1 G230MB 2697 14 1 G230MB 3115 24 1 G430L 4300 10 4 G430M 3165 10 1 G430M 3680 10 1 G430M 4961 24 1 G430M 5471 26 1 G750L 7751 6.2 4 G750M 5734 5.9 4 G750M 6768 3.9 4 G750M 8311 10 4 G750M 9336 10 1 Special Requirements or options.........: GAIN=1 or 4 (see table above) Comments: 1/year # Exposure list plan at the Phase I level. Be as complete as reasonable. # If possible information should be complete enough to allow easy # submission of a Phase 2 from this form. However, if you have to leave # some of the fields blank below, or want to provide the information # in another format, that is acceptable. (Make sure you do the BOP checking # though, as this is a phase-1 issue.) Table of exposures (copy for each exposure as appropriate/desired): Target or lamp..........................: HITM1 Type of Acquisition.....................: none - internal Detector for observation................: CCD Operating mode .........................: ACCUM Spectral Element........................: G230LB Aperture................................: 52x0.1 Central Wavelength......................: 2375 Exposure Time...........................: 220 S Number of Iterations ...................: 1 BOP Predicted Local Count Rate for MAMA.: n/a BOP Predicted Global Count Rate for MAMA: n/a ETC PID IDs for Count Rates.............: n/a Special Requirements or options.........: GAIN=4 Comments: (e.g. if monitoring, specify frequency) Target or lamp..........................: HITM1 Type of Acquisition.....................: none - internal Detector for observation................: CCD Operating mode .........................: ACCUM Spectral Element........................: G230MB Aperture................................: 52x0.1 Central Wavelength......................: various (see table above) Exposure Time...........................: various (see table above) Number of Iterations ...................: 1 BOP Predicted Local Count Rate for MAMA.: n/a BOP Predicted Global Count Rate for MAMA: n/a ETC PID IDs for Count Rates.............: n/a Special Requirements or options.........: GAIN=1 Comments: (e.g. if monitoring, specify frequency) Target or lamp..........................: HITM1 Type of Acquisition.....................: none - internal Detector for observation................: CCD Operating mode .........................: ACCUM Spectral Element........................: G430L Aperture................................: 52x0.1 Central Wavelength......................: 4300 Exposure Time...........................: 10 S Number of Iterations ...................: 1 BOP Predicted Local Count Rate for MAMA.: n/a BOP Predicted Global Count Rate for MAMA: n/a ETC PID IDs for Count Rates.............: n/a Special Requirements or options.........: GAIN=4 Comments: (e.g. if monitoring, specify frequency) Target or lamp..........................: HITM1 Type of Acquisition.....................: none - internal Detector for observation................: CCD Operating mode .........................: ACCUM Spectral Element........................: G430M Aperture................................: 52x0.1 Central Wavelength......................: various (see table above) Exposure Time...........................: various (see table above) Number of Iterations ...................: 1 BOP Predicted Local Count Rate for MAMA.: n/a BOP Predicted Global Count Rate for MAMA: n/a ETC PID IDs for Count Rates.............: n/a Special Requirements or options.........: GAIN=1 Comments: (e.g. if monitoring, specify frequency) Target or lamp..........................: HITM1 Type of Acquisition.....................: none - internal Detector for observation................: CCD Operating mode .........................: ACCUM Spectral Element........................: G750L Aperture................................: 52x0.1 Central Wavelength......................: 7751 Exposure Time...........................: 6.2 S Number of Iterations ...................: 1 BOP Predicted Local Count Rate for MAMA.: n/a BOP Predicted Global Count Rate for MAMA: n/a ETC PID IDs for Count Rates.............: n/a Special Requirements or options.........: GAIN=4 Comments: (e.g. if monitoring, specify frequency) Target or lamp..........................: HITM1 Type of Acquisition.....................: none - internal Detector for observation................: CCD Operating mode .........................: ACCUM Spectral Element........................: G750M Aperture................................: 52x0.1 Central Wavelength......................: various (see table above) Exposure Time...........................: various (see table above) Number of Iterations ...................: 1 BOP Predicted Local Count Rate for MAMA.: n/a BOP Predicted Global Count Rate for MAMA: n/a ETC PID IDs for Count Rates.............: n/a --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Special needs of this proposal? Scheduling: Prerequisites: PDB update? N. On-board table update? N # Special Requirements: Real time? N Special commanding? N Quick Data turnaround? N Special timing required? N Other? N Describe (& justify) special requirements: ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Analysis Plan Expected FTE weeks for analysis: 4 weeks FTE Required turnaround on analysis (weeks): not critical Data volume (Mb needed for analysis): 400 Mb Special software needed for analysis? Custom IDL software may be needed to create new dispersion (_dsp) reference files. Description of analysis Plans: (1-2 paragraphs) Raw wavecal images will be self-calibrated using Calstis software. Existing wavelength solutions will be tested with available software within IRAF and IDL.
