AAI Helpdesk

This page guides you to the appropriate AAI helpdesk or support contact, in case you have a problem to connect to a service via AAI.

Your Home Organization helpdesk

Contact the Home Organization helpdesk if you have login problems, lost your password or if you want to change it.

Your web browser unfortunately provided no clue about your most recently used Home Organization.

Find your Home Organization in the list of all Home Organizations.

Your most recently used Resource's helpdesk

Contact the helpdesk of the Resource you wanted to connect to, if you experience problems after successful login.

Your web browser unfortunately provided no clue about your most recently used Resource.

Find the Resource in the list of Resources grouped by Home Organization.

List of all Home Organizations and public Resources

If your last accessed Resource or Home Organization could not be found, you should find the appropriate AAI Helpdesk in one of the following lists:

If you couldn't find your Home Organization or the Resource you wanted to connect to, please address your questions or report problems to the SWITCHaai Team.

If you have any questions regarding registration, activation or payment of domain names, please consult the Internet Domains contact page.