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Get Involved

As part of our global alumni community, you play an important role in the life and future of Trinity Laban and there are many ways that you can show your support.

Share your news 

E-mail your news to or share it with fellow alumni on the alumni Facebook page

Reconnect us with lost alumni

Help us reconnect with alumni who we have lost touch with. Please encourage alumni you know, who don’t hear from us, to get back in touch.

Promote Trinity Laban 

Don’t forget to mention your time at Trinity Laban in your CV, biography or other media. You may also be able to make connections for us. Through your personal and professional networks you may know people who are interested in supporting or helping Trinity Laban. They could be a potential student, donor or collaborator. Could you introduce us?

Get involved in our international community

If you are a graduate living outside the UK you could help us expand our international network.

Engage with current students

This might be through a work placement or coming in to give a talk or workshop. We are always keen to hear your ideas and see how we can incorporate them.

Make a donation

Help to support and nurture young talent by making a gift. You may want to support our scholarships, join our patron scheme or leave a legacy.
