
Fünf Menschen in Kitteln stehen in einem Labor.
Fünf Menschen in Kitteln stehen in einem Labor.

In a multidisciplinary research project, researchers from the biosciences, process engineering and computer science want to massively increase…

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Zwei Männer sitzen auf den Schienen eines Prüfstandes und schauen in die Kamera.

Discarded lithium-ion cells from electric cars could be re-used as stationary power storage units. Researchers at TU Graz have established the first…

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Zwei Männer sitzen auf den Schienen eines Prüfstandes und schauen in die Kamera.

Researchers from TU Graz and the University of Graz have digitised a broken altar stone from Lavant so that citizens can put it together on the…

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Fünf Menschen in einem Labor stehen um eine Maschine herum.

The laser-based technology developed at TU Graz enables the continual real-time analysis of air pollutants and their interaction with other gases and…

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Fünf Menschen in einem Labor stehen um eine Maschine herum.
A map showing various elements of a water supply system.
A map showing various elements of a water supply system.

When water suppliers are faced with the question of how well their systems are prepared for future developments such as climate change and population…

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Ein Mann steht schräg hinter einem Bildschirm, auf dem bunte Formen zu sehen sind.

The shape, size and optical properties of 3-dimensional nanostructures can now be simulated in advance before they are produced directly with high…

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Ein Mann steht schräg hinter einem Bildschirm, auf dem bunte Formen zu sehen sind.

Researchers at TU Graz have developed a new measuring system that can statically and dynamically monitor the condition of buildings using just a few…

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[Translate to English:] Fünf Menschen stehen nebeneinander und schauen in die Kamera, vier von ihnen halten Urkunden in ihren Händen.

Promoting young STEM talent and investing in Styria's future as a science and business hub, TU Graz awards well-funded scholarships together with…

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[Translate to English:] Fünf Menschen stehen nebeneinander und schauen in die Kamera, vier von ihnen halten Urkunden in ihren Händen.
Drei Männer sitzen nebeneinander und halten unterschriebene Vertragsdokumente hoch.
Drei Männer sitzen nebeneinander und halten unterschriebene Vertragsdokumente hoch.

Over the next four years, 1.5 million euros will be invested in projects to develop and validate electric vehicles and to digitise production and…

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Bunt eingefärbte Bakterien scheinen im Raum zu schweben.

Flavonoids & Co: Microorganisms in the human gut utilise so-called beta-elimination to break down plant natural products and thus make them available…

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Bunt eingefärbte Bakterien scheinen im Raum zu schweben.
Bundesminister Martin Polaschek überreichte dem ehemaligen TU Graz-Rektor Harald Kainz das Große Goldene Ehrenzeichen der Republik Österreich. Bildquelle: Lunghammer - TU Graz
Bundesminister Martin Polaschek überreichte dem ehemaligen TU Graz-Rektor Harald Kainz das Große Goldene Ehrenzeichen der Republik Österreich. Bildquelle: Lunghammer - TU Graz

The former Rector of Graz University of Technology, Harald Kainz, received the Grand Decoration of Honour in Gold from both the Republic of Austria…

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Zwei in Roben gekleidete Männer stehen nebeneinander und schauen in die Kamera.

Horst Bischof was inaugurated as Rector of TU Graz at a festive ceremony.

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Zwei in Roben gekleidete Männer stehen nebeneinander und schauen in die Kamera.

Professor Stefan Pogatscher received the ERC Consolidator Grant for his research into sustainable light metal alloys. This was the next important…

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Ein Mann sitzt vor einem Bildschirm und folgt einer Videonkonferenz.

Using EEG and ECG data, researchers at the University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria and Graz University of Technology were able to prove that…

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Ein Mann sitzt vor einem Bildschirm und folgt einer Videonkonferenz.
A lot of vegetables lying closely together
A lot of vegetables lying closely together

In a meta-study, a research team from the Institute of Environmental Biotechnology at TU Graz has provided evidence that the consumption of fruit and…

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Four people, two women and two men, look into the camera. An e-scooter stands in front of them.

A team from the Vehicle Safety Institute at TU Graz has used Human Body Models to investigate accidents involving electric scooters and identified the…

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Four people, two women and two men, look into the camera. An e-scooter stands in front of them.
Five people, two women and three men, smile into the camera
Five people, two women and three men, smile into the camera

More STEM graduates, leadership in green and digital transformation, intensification of strategic science and business cooperation and the integration…

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Image of the Sun from the ESA/NASA Solar Orbiter mission. The diagram shows the density increase in the atmosphere and the subsequent loss of altitude of a satellite at 490 km - both caused by a coronal mass ejection on 21 November 2003.

The effects of solar storms on the Earth's atmosphere can cause satellites to crash. To prevent this from happening, the European Space Agency (ESA)…

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Image of the Sun from the ESA/NASA Solar Orbiter mission. The diagram shows the density increase in the atmosphere and the subsequent loss of altitude of a satellite at 490 km - both caused by a coronal mass ejection on 21 November 2003.
A man is standing in a laboratory behind a power storage and a laptop.
A man is standing in a laboratory behind a power storage and a laptop.

Based on the vanillin made usable for electricity storage in 2020, an AI-optimised prototype of an environmentally friendly electricity storage system…

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Hands on a computer keyboard, a computer screen in the background

Researchers at TU Graz and the Helmholtz Center for Information Security have discovered a novel security gap in all common CPUs that can hardly be…

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Hands on a computer keyboard, a computer screen in the background
A woman in a laboratory holds an illuminated glass container
A woman in a laboratory holds an illuminated glass container

Researchers at TU Graz have gained new insights into the functioning of a protein found in bacteria, whose enzymatic activity is activated by blue…

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A man smiles into the camera

The TU Graz researcher was recognised for his scientific achievements in science and technology of welding and joining with one of the world’s most…

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A man smiles into the camera
Three people holding a red glass fiber are smiling into the camera
Three people holding a red glass fiber are smiling into the camera

By changes in the wavelength of light pulses in fibre optic cables, researchers at TU Graz can measure where rockfalls, landslides, fires and…

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A smiling man holds a document that says he is the winner

The idea submitted by the chemical and process engineer from TU Graz for the storage of hydrogen in easily transportable, iron-based materials…

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A smiling man holds a document that says he is the winner
 a railway. The man on the left holds a board with metallic circles, the man on the right holds connector
 a railway. The man on the left holds a board with metallic circles, the man on the right holds connector

TU Graz’s RailCharge project presents a new solution for the issue of range and power grid load in e-mobility. In the process, the charging process is…

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Safety and Disaster Management is a new interdisciplinary degree programme at Montanuniversität Leoben and prepares professionals for disaster…

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 The participants of the TU Austria Innovation Marathon 2022 on stage
 The participants of the TU Austria Innovation Marathon 2022 on stage

Students from all over the world developed solutions for complex corporate problems in just one day.

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Graphic representation of codes and networks.

International IT security research teams headed by Daniel Gruss of TU Graz have released information on two new forms of cyberattack that exploit…

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Graphic representation of codes and networks.
View of a ceiling with pipes and transparent plate-like objects.
View of a ceiling with pipes and transparent plate-like objects.

In two pilot classes of a Graz school, TU Graz shows that effective ventilation systems in schools and kindergartens can be installed very easily and…

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Graphical representation of a networked smartphone.

Extremely powerful computers of the future require alternative encryption and signature methods. In a six-year process, the US authority NIST has now…

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Graphical representation of a networked smartphone.