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Information for Faculty, Students & Staff

Technology Transfer at UMass Dartmouth

What is technology transfer?

Technology transfer is the process of moving technologies and other research findings from the laboratory into corporate product development. Our goal is to bring the benefits of UMass Dartmouth research to the public in the form of new products and services.

What research might have commercial value?

Many of the outcomes of academic research might have commercial value, which the university might wish to protect with patents or copyrights. Patentable inventions might include novel biological or chemical molecules, new textiles or other materials, innovative engineering or electronic systems, and new methods for performing commercially-useful functions. Other technologies, such as computer software, might be protected with a copyright.

What should I do if I think my research has led to an important result?

Any faculty, staff or students who have developed potentially commercializable research results should fill out a confidential Invention Disclosure Form (DOCX) and submit it to the UMass Dartmouth technology transfer office for review. The office will work with you to determine if the university wishes to protect the invention, and to work with you to identify the best ways to try to commercialize the invention.

What are my obligations to the university?

All faculty, staff and students are subject to the university’s Intellectual Property Policy, which specifies that most inventions (other than certain student inventions) are obligated to be assigned to the university. If the university decides to pursue the invention, we do so at the university’s expense, but any revenue in the form of royalties, license fees, etc. are shared with the inventors. If the university decides not to proceed, in most cases the rights to the invention can be returned to the inventor.

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