U-Multirank releases fifth annual world rankings of universities

Neither Harvard, MIT nor Oxford are number 1…


CONTACT: John Roman, email info@umultirank.org, phone +49 (0) 5241 9761 58

(EUROPE, 05. JUNE 2018) U-Multirank, the largest global university ranking, has today published its fifth annual release of data (www.umultirank.org) ranking 1,614 universities from 95 countries. The latest results show that claiming the ‘number 1’ spot, depends on what you’re looking for.

With more universities than ever before, U-Multirank shines a spotlight on its richness of data and highlights world-class university performance across: teaching and learning, research, knowledge transfer, international orientation and regional engagement. The new results showcase the diversity in higher education excellence.

U-Multirank’s university rankings make transparent the detailed performance of universities, so students can make better informed study choices based on what matters most to them. This is made possible by providing users with customisable rankings that not only focus on research, but the full diversity of the higher education system. For journalists, U-Multirank offers tailor-made rankings and information upon request, for example focusing on university performance in a specific country, university-industry relations or the most international universities.

U-Multirank’s transparent approach allows students, universities, businesses, policy-makers and governments to make better informed comparisons of how universities worldwide perform.

Since its first publication in 2014, U-Multirank has more than doubled the number of institutions and increased the coverage of countries, including more than 5,153 faculties and more than 12,500 study programmes. This year, U-Multirank has made it easier especially for students to compare universities their way, with an enhanced web design, including new features, like ‘Study in’ pages, easier to use navigation and additional student resources. New this year, is also a downloadable option of the            U-Multirank data, allowing universities to analyse their performance against global benchmarks.




Notes for editors

U-Multirank originated at a conference of the European Commission during the French presidency in 2008. It is funded by the Bertelsmann Foundation, the European Union's Erasmus+ Programme and Santander Group for the years 2017 through 2019. U-Multirank is developed and implemented by an independent consortium led by the Centre for Higher Education (CHE) in Germany, the Center for Higher Education Policy Studies (CHEPS) at the University of Twente and the Centre for Science and Technology Studies (CWTS) from Leiden University, both in the Netherlands, as well as Fundación Conocimiento y Desarrollo (FCYD) in Spain. The consortium is headed by Professors Dr. Frans van Vught of CHEPS and Dr. Frank Ziegele of CHE.

U-Multirank is an alternative approach to comparing university performance, and offers a solution to the dangers of traditional league tables. Its multi-dimensional approach compares the performance of 1,614 universities across a range of different activities grading each of them from ‘A’ (very good) to ‘E’ (weak). It allows users to identify a university’s strengths and weaknesses, or the aspects that most interest them. The data included in U-Multirank are drawn from a number of sources, providing users with a comprehensive set of information: data supplied by institutions; from international bibliometric and patent databases; national databases; and surveys of more than 100,000 students at participating universities.

Institutions that would like to participate in 2019 can express their interest by emailing, info@umultirank.org.


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