Seminar: Research Trends in Media Informatics (WS19/20)

Das Bild besteht aus 5 Teilen: Teil 1 zeigt eine Person mit VR Headset, Teil 2 zeigt eine Person mit AR Headset, Teil 3 zeigt eine Person mit Hearables, Teil 4 zeigt einen Fahrsimulator, Teil 5 zeigt ein Spiel mit einem Auto

Media Informatics is a broad field spanning many research directions and topics. In this seminar we focus on research trends in human-computer interaction (HCI) in Virtual and Augmented Reality, Eye-based Interaction, Speech/Auditive User Interfaces, Automotive User Interfaces and (Serious) Games Research. This seminar aims to provide an overview of different research directions and current challenges that are focus of active research around the world and at our institute.


To successfully complete the seminar the following requirements have to be fulfilled:

  • Written paper on a selected topic
    6-8 pages, German or English (English preferred)
  • Active participation
    Active participation in peer reviews and discussions
  • Presentation
    15 minutes (10 minutes talk, 5 minutes questions), German or English


1Challenges and Coping Strategies for Visually or Hearing Impaired Persons in TrafficMark Colley
2Visions on Future Autonomous Vehicles both in Literature and by ManufacturersMark Colley
3Vehicle-to-X technology and its ApplicationsMark Colley
4Collaborative Learning with Escape GamesTobias Drey
5Sustainability of the benefits of Augmented and Virtual Reality in EducationTobias Drey
6Everyday 3D Printing: Tools and Concepts to Simplify Personal Fabrication for Real-World UsageEvgeny Stemasov
7Almost "Superhuman": Augmentation and Assistance through Body-Worn Robotic or Sensory ComponentsEvgeny Stemasov
8Voice, Gestures, and Augmented Reality: Multimodal Input for Headworn ARGabriel Haas
9Please listen closely!: Methods of Error Correction for Voice InputGabriel Haas
10Feel the Rainbow: Exploring the Usage and Effects of Colors in Interactive MediaJan Rixen
11Black and Blue: Exploring How Color and Technology Are Utilized to Treat PatientsJan Rixen
12My Device and Eye: A Literature Review of How Eye Based Interaction Scenarios Are Used in Commercial DevicesTeresa Hirzle