Department of Microbiology, Immunobiology & Genetics

Dr. Bohr-Gasse 9/4
1030 - Vienna, Austria

Dept. Head: Prof. Gijs VERSTEEG

Research Groups
Baccarini -
Bläsi -
Bücker -
Dammermann -
Decker -
Görke -
Kovarik -
Leeb -
Moll -
Raible -
Tessmar -
Versteeg -
Witte -

Special Research Programs
Vienna Doctoral School - Molecules of Life -
VBC PhD program -
DK Chromosome Dynamics -
DK RNA Biology -
DK Structural Biology -
Modulators of RNA & Function -

Students Page

Secretarial Office -
Computer Help -

How to reach us -

Datenschutzerklärung -
  Zentrum für Molekulare Biologie - University of Vienna - Max F. Perutz Laboratories GmbH - Vienna Biocenter