Seu Electrònica/Seu ElectrònicaUniversitat de València Logo del portal

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The services catalog groups together all electronic services and procedures available at UV Online Office. These are varied: applications, queries, access to public or intranet applications, utilities download, etc.

Given the large number of e-services available, it is possible to quickly locate them by using the following tools:

  • Search engine: enter one or more key words and locate the services related to the word/s. From the list of search results, select the service you are interested in to obtain access or basic information.
  • Classify tool: clicking on the 'Services' or 'Procedures' item you can find e-services classified by different points related to them: user profile. By selecting one of the points, the possible options are displayed. Each option contains a related set of services. By selecting a service, it is possible to access or obtain basic information. A search engine by words or the possibility of filtering the services by a specific management unit of the University is also available in case the services list is large.

You can access the catalog of procedures of the Universitat by clicking on the following link:

Catalog of procedures of the University of València

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