One interview,
endless opportunities.

Stand out with Vericant's secure interview, trusted English evaluation, and streamlined tools for both institutions and applicants.

Admission officers











Interviews without borders

I think it's a real shame for an applicant to only express him or herself through the essay or through the written portions of the application and not have a chance to express the oral or conversational part of their personality."

Matt Johnston
Assistant Director of Admissions, Clark University

The Vericant Interview was the first interview that pushed me — you have to show what you've got to the school. It was very affirmative, no matter my application result."

Caio Fernandes Moreira
High School Applicant

A message from Vericant's international applicants

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Solutions made for better applicant decisions

For 12 years, Vericant has focused on conducting secure and scalable academic interviews. Leveraging AI and proven English assessments, we efficiently gather essential information, minimizing biases, costs, and time to ensure better matches.


Vericant Interview

A structured, secure interview revealing an applicant's true communication skills and personality.

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Vericant Pre-Interview

A mock Vericant Interview preparing applicants for the real thing, enhancing confidence and performance.

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Vericant Checkpoint Interview

A snapshot of a student's English skills, aiding in continuous improvement and readiness.

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Vericant Writing Sample

A 30 minute proctored writing sample, giving a holistic view of the applicant when paired with the interview.

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Spoken English Evaluation

Evaluates English communication skills for a comprehensive applicant profile.

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Writing Sample Evaluation

Assesses writing skills securely, adding depth to spoken evaluations.

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AI Insights

Streamlines application reviews with AI-driven analysis for quick, informed decisions.

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Vericant Portal

Manages applicant videos, enhances collaboration, and integrates with Slate and SAO.

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