What is an allowable amount?

From my understanding, I just stay in my co-pay and I don't really worry about what's the allowable amount that they pay.

Barry Nolan
What is an allowable amount?

Usually, I think it's somewhere under $50, depending on the type of doctor. I've paid between like 10 and 30, so I think it just depends, usually 10 or 20.

Barry Nolan
What is an allowable expense?

Sylvia Charles
For just a regular checkup? Sometimes I guess maybe $600.

Barry Nolan
What is an allowable cost?

I don't really know. I never really thought about the overall expense of like your average health care cost. I'm not really sure the number on it.

Barry Nolan
What is an allowable amount?

The amount that the insurance company will cover for you and then the balance of that is what you are responsible for.

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What Is an Allowable Amount?

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Barry Nolan
What is an allowable amount?

From my understanding, I just stay in my co-pay and I don't really worry about what's the allowable amount that they pay.

Barry Nolan
What is an allowable amount?

Usually, I think it's somewhere under $50, depending on the type of doctor. I've paid between like 10 and 30, so I think it just depends, usually 10 or 20.

Barry Nolan
What is an allowable expense?

Sylvia Charles
For just a regular checkup? Sometimes I guess maybe $600.

Barry Nolan
What is an allowable cost?

I don't really know. I never really thought about the overall expense of like your average health care cost. I'm not really sure the number on it.

Barry Nolan
What is an allowable amount?

The amount that the insurance company will cover for you and then the balance of that is what you are responsible for.