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Open day took place at the CPP Mannheim on 18.10.2017. Interested students had the opportunity to gain information about possibilities of becoming a Psychological Psychotherapist and a Child and Adolescent Psychologist. 5 short presentations were given by the CPP team about Practical Training 1 and 2, training options, financial issues, criteria for taking a personal decision.

More than 60 Psychology students from the Universities of Mannheim, Heidelberg and Landau came to actively discuss about professional paths. The numerous participants and the evaluation indicate positive reactions regarding the Open Day 2017 and offers of the CPP Mannheim without exceptions.


Open day took place at the CPP Mannheim on 24th of october 2018. Interested students had the opportunity to gain information about possibilities of becoming a Psychological Psychotherapist and a Child and Adolescent Psychologist. 5 short presentations were given by the CPP team about Practical Training 1 and 2, training options, financial issues, criteria for taking a personal decision.

More than 60 Psychology students from the Universities of Mannheim, Heidelberg and Landau came to actively discuss about professional paths. The numerous participants and the evaluation indicate positive reactions regarding the Open Day 2018 and offers of the CPP Mannheim without exceptions.


Zentralinstitut für Seelische Gesundheit (ZI) - https://www.zi-mannheim.de