Home |Research|Departments / Research Groups / Institutes|Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Psychotherapy|Research Groups|RG ADHD in Childhood/Adolescence

RG ADHD in Childhood and Adolescence


Head RG ADHD in Childhood and Adolescence

Prof. Dr. Sarah Hohmann


Registrar | Head RG Paediatric Psychopharmacology | Co-Head RG ADHD in Childhood and Adolescence

PD Dr. Alexander Häge

Phone: +49 621 1703-4522

Fax: +49 621 1703-4525


Main Medical Building, 3rd Floor, Room 380

M.Sc. Psych. | research assistant | Co-Head RG ADHD in Childhood and Adolescence

Dr. Anna Kaiser

Phone: +49 621 1703-4939


Research and Administrative Building, 3rd Floor, Room 309


Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is one of the most common psychiatric disorders in childhood and adolescence. Affected children predominantly show restrictions in their ability to concentrate, a clear motor restlessness that goes beyond the age-typical level, as well as increased impulsivity. This can lead to restrictions for those affected, especially in the areas of learning and performance, but also within the family and in interaction with peers. In addition, ADHD is often associated with positive aspects (e.g. increased creativity, spontaneity, sensitivity). The genetic and environmental causes underlying the symptoms, the neurobiological correlations and the resulting therapeutic intervention options are the focus of the current research efforts of the ADHD working group.

In recent years, we have been particularly involved with the ESCAlife collaborative study funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF): A Germany-wide study with the aim of reviewing individualised, stepped and evidence-based therapy options for affected patients between the ages of three and 45 and finding predictors for therapy success. The surveys have been completed in the meantime; more information on the study can be found at www.esca-life.org.

In addition, studies on the effectiveness of biofeedback methods on ADHD core symptoms and on the reward system (in cooperation with the Neurophysiology of Childhood and Adolescence WG) are being conducted in the WG. The investigation of affective dysregulation with regard to epidemiological, neurobiological and therapeutic aspects within the framework of the multicentre ADOPT study, which is also funded by the BMBF, represents a further research area of the group.

We also scientifically accompany the randomised, controlled pilot study conducted in our institute outpatient clinic on the effectiveness of the smartphone app medigital® ADHS/OPP for parents of children (4 to 11 years) with ADHD or a disorder of social behaviour with oppositional, defiant behaviour (OPP).

Members of the working group have been and continue to be significantly involved in the coordination, preparation and updating of the AWMF S3 guideline on the diagnosis and treatment of ADHD in children, adolescents and adults. In this regard, the transfer into a "Living Guideline" is pending within the framework of the next revision process. 

Zentralinstitut für Seelische Gesundheit (ZI) - https://www.zi-mannheim.de