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Publications: Developmental Neurosciences in Psychiatry

Freichel R, Lenartowicz A, Douw L, Kruschwitz JD, Banaschewski T, Barker GJ, Bokde AL, Desrivieres S, Flor H, Grigis A, Garavan H, Heinz A, Brühl R, Martinot JL, Martinot MP, Artiges E, Nees F, Orfanos DP, Paus T, Poustka L, Holz N, Baeuchl C, Smolka MN, Vaidya N, Whelan R, Frouin V, Schumann G, IMAGEN Consortium , Walter H, Blanken TF. Unravelling robust brain-behavior links of depressive complaints through granular network models for understanding heterogeneity. J Affect Disord. 2024 359:140-144. Epub 2024 May 14.
Lehmler S, Siehl S, Kjelkenes R, Heukamp J, Westlye LT, Holz N, Nees F. Closing the loop between environment, brain and mental health: how far we might go in real-life assessments?. Curr Opin Psychiatry. 2024 37(4):301-308. Epub 2024 Jul 1.
Sacu S, Dubois M, Hezemans FH, Aggensteiner PM, Monninger M, Brandeis D, Banaschewski T, Hauser TU, Holz N. Early life adversities are associated with lower expected value signaling in the adult brain. Biol Psychiatry. 2024 Apr 16. [Epub ahead of print]
Treier AK, Döpfner M, Ravens-Sieberer U, Görtz-Dorten A, Boecker M, Goldbeck C, Banaschewski T, Aggensteiner P, Hanisch C, Ritschel A, Kölch M, Daunke A, Roessner V, Kohls G, Kaman A, ADOPT Consortium . Screening for affective dysregulation in school-aged children: relationship with comprehensive measures of affective dysregulation and related mental disorders. Eur Child Adolesc Psychiatry. 2024 33(2):381-390. Epub 2023 Feb 17.
Zopfs M, Jindrova M, Gurevitch G, Keynan JN, Hendler T, Baumeister S, Aggensteiner PM, Cornelisse S, Brandeis D, Schmahl C, Paret C. Amygdala-related electrical fingerprint is modulated with neurofeedback training and correlates with deep-brain activation: proof-of-concept in borderline personality disorder. Psychol Med. 2024 54(8):1651-1660. Epub 2023 Dec 22.

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