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Dr. Katharina Eidenmüller

Phone: +49 621 1703-3827


Clinic of Addictive Behaviour and Addiction Medicine | J 5 | 68159 Mannheim

CPP Outpatient Clinics | Lange Rötterstraße 11-17 | 68167 Mannheim

Publications in peer reviewed journals since 2006

TOP 5 publications:

  1. Eidenmüller K, Grimm F, Hermann D, Frischknecht U, Montag C, Dziobek I, Kiefer F, Bekier N. Exploring Influences on Theory of Mind Impairment in Opioid Dependent Patients.Front Psychiatry. 2021 12:721690.
  2. Eidenmüller K, Grimm F, Hermann D, Frischknecht U, Kiefer F, Dziobek I, Bekier N. Exploring impaired insight in opioid addiction: the role of self-stigmaHeroin Addiction and related Clinical Problems. 2022 24(2):45-51. Epub 2021 Aug 15.
  3. Eidenmüller K, Grimm F, Hermann D, Frischknecht U, Kiefer F, Dziobek I, Bekier N. Exploring impaired insight in opioid addictions: the role of self-stigmaHeroin Addiction and related Clinical Problems. 2022 24(2):45-51.

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