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PD Dr. Wolfgang Kelsch

Phone: +49 621 1703-6213


Laboratory Building, 2nd Floor, Room 225

Publications in peer reviewed journals since 2006

TOP 5 publications:

  1. Kelsch W, Sim S, Lois C. Watching synaptogenesis in the adult brain.Annu Rev Neurosci. 2010 33:131-49.
  2. Winkelmeier L, Filosa C, Hartig R, Scheller M, Sack MS, Reinwald JR, Becker R, Wolf D, Gerchen M, Sartorius A, Meyer-Lindenberg A, Weber-Fahr W, Clemm von Hohenberg C, Russo E, Kelsch W. Striatal hub of dynamic and stabilized prediction coding in forebrain networks for olfactory reinforcement learning.Nat Commun. 2022 13(1):3305.
  3. Oettl LL, Scheller M, Filosa C, Wieland S, Haag F, Loeb C, Durstewitz D, Shusterman R, Russo E, Kelsch W. Phasic dopamine reinforces distinct striatal stimulus encoding in the olfactory tubercle driving dopaminergic reward prediction.Nat Commun. 2020 11(1):3460.
  4. Lin CW, Sim S, Ainsworth A, Okada M, Kelsch W, Lois C. Genetically increased cell-intrinsic excitability enhances neuronal integration into adult brain circuits.Neuron. 2010 65(1):32-9.
  5. Oettl LL, Ravi N, Schneider M, Scheller MF, Schneider P, Mitre M, da Silva Gouveia M, Froemke RC, Chao MV, Young WS, Meyer-Lindenberg A, Grinevich V, Shusterman R, Kelsch W. Oxytocin Enhances Social Recognition by Modulating Cortical Control of Early Olfactory Processing.Neuron. 2016 90(3):609-21. Epub 2016 Apr 20.

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