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Use of cookies on (Warwick web site)

1. What is a cookie?

Most web sites use cookies to remember information about you and your preferences, either for the duration of your visit or for repeat visits. A cookie is a simple text file that is stored on your computer or mobile device by a web site, and that web site can then retrieve the contents of that cookie.

If we didn't use cookies, our web site would think you are a new visitor every time you move to a new page on the site. For example, if you were to enter your login details and then move to another page, our site wouldn't be able to remember that you'd previously signed in.

Cookies may be set by the web site you are visiting ('first party cookies') or by other web sites which provide content on the page you are viewing ('third party cookies').

2. What cookies does Warwick's web site use?

Necessary cookies

These cookies are necessary for the operation of our web site, for example, those that determine whether you're signed in and who you are.

Cookie name Cookie purpose Cookie duration
WarwickSSO This cookie allows you to sign in to the University of Warwick web site

If you choose "Until I close my browser" - until you close your browser

If you choose "All day" - 12 hours

If you choose "Three months" - three months

If you choose "Indefinitely until I sign out" - indefinitely

In all cases, the cookie is removed if you choose to sign out.

SitebuilderPassword This cookie allows you to view password-protected web pages Until you close your browser

Preference cookies

These cookies store your user preferences in order to improve your experience on the Warwick website. While they aren't strictly necessary, you may have to re-enter your preferences every time if they are disabled.

Cookie name Cookie purpose Cookie duration
SitebuilderShowTextOnlyRendition This cookie remembers your preference for viewing the full version or the text-only version of web pages Until you close your browser
HideDeletedComments This cookie remembers your preference to hide deleted comments on web pages you edit One year

Performance cookies

These cookies allow us to track the performance and usage of the Warwick web site with anonymised "statistics". We use cookies to track your route around the Warwick web site and use the statistics that these create to improve the web site's performance and user experience.

Cookie name Cookie purpose Cookie duration
_ga, _gat

These cookies are used by Google Analytics software to distinguish users. The information we gather includes but is not limited to how users interact with the Warwick web site, which pages are most frequently viewed, how frequently the users visit the web site, traffic source of user visit, demographics data (age and gender), location and device information (make and model). Any data collected is anonymous and used for statistical reporting only.

Other cookies created by Google Analytics include _gid, AMP_TOKEN and _gac_<property-id>. These cookies store other randomly generated IDs and campaign information about the user.

Up to two years after last web site visit.

We also sometimes embed photos and video content from third-party web sites such as YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Flickr. As a result, when you visit one of our pages containing such content, you may be presented with cookies from these web sites.

Our web site may also use the web site session recording service Hotjar or Mouseflow. We may collect information on your use of our web site, such as pages visited, links clicked, non-sensitive text entered, and mouse movements, as well as information more commonly collected such as the referring URL, browser, operating system and Internet Service Provider. The purpose of collecting usage information is to better understand how visitors use the web site in order to improve our website usability. We don't use the usage information to identify its visitors. Data collected is for aggregated, statistical reporting and internal use only. If you prefer to opt-out of these session recording services you can do so by following the Hotjar opt-out instructions and the Mouseflow opt-out instructions.

We don't control the dissemination of these third-party cookies and you should check the relevant third party's web site for more information.

We don't sell the information collected by cookies, nor do we disclose the information to third parties, except where required by law (for example to government bodies and law enforcement agencies).

Advertising cookies

These cookies allow us to track the performance and usage of the Warwick web site with anonymised "statistics". We use cookies to track your route around the Warwick web site and use the statistics that these create to improve the web site's performance and user experience.

Cookie name Cookie purpose Cookie duration
AdWords Remarketing _gac

The cookie is used to indicate to other websites that 'this person visited a particular page, so show them ads relating to that page.'

min 30 days (default) - max 540 days

We sometimes use Google AdWords Remarketing pixels to assist with our marketing and delivery of online advertising across the Internet, in particular on the Google Display Network. By better understanding what our audiences are interested in, we can more efficiently promote the University. The technology to do this is made possible by cookies and as such we may place a "remarketing cookie" during your visit.

AdWords remarketing will display ads to you based on what parts of the University of Warwick's website you have viewed by placing a cookie on your web browser. This cookie does not in any way identify you or give access to your computer or mobile device. The cookie is used to indicate to other websites that "This person visited a particular page, so show them ads relating to that page." This way we can show you ads that are personalised to you.

If you do not wish to see personalised ads from University of Warwick you can opt-out in several ways:

  1. Opt-out of Google's use of cookies by visiting Google's Ads Settings
  2. Opt-out of a third-party vendor's use of cookies by visiting youradchoices opt-out.

Please note that opting out won't stop you seeing adverts, just that they won't be tailored specifically to you.

3. What to do if you don't want cookies to be set

If you don’t want web sites to store cookies on your computer, tablet or phone, you can modify your browser so that it asks for your permission when a web site wants to set a cookie, or you can refuse cookies altogether. You can also delete cookies that have already been set. If you wish to restrict or block web browser cookies on your device then you can do this through your browser settings; the Help function within your browser should tell you how.

For Google Analytics cookies, Google provide a Google Analytics opt-out tool which allows you to specify that you don't want to accept their cookies, not just for our site, but for all sites which use Google Analytics.

To find out more information and opt-out of third party cookies, please visit the relevant privacy and cookie policy pages on third-party web sites.

To opt-out of the Hotjar and Mouseflow session recording services you can follow the Hotjar opt-out instructions and the Mouseflow opt-out instructions. Please note you will need to opt-out on each browser that you use.

To disable personalised ads you can update your preferences by visiting Google's Ads Settings and for third-party vendors' cookies by visiting youradchoices opt-out.
