Report a Concern

Reporting ADA and Other Disability-Related Concerns

UC Irvine is committed to creating and maintaining an environment that is accessible to all members of the UCI community and in which all persons who participate in University programs and activities can work and learn together in an atmosphere free of all forms of discrimination and harassment. Should you encounter barriers to access or experience or witness discrimination or harassment, below are reporting options and resources available to you.


UCI strives to provide an environment accessible to all members of and visitors to the UCI community. Should you encounter a barrier to access to a university program, service, digital content, building, path, or other right of way, please report the issue to the ADA Coordinator or through the UCI With U For U application or website. For access issues related to the UCI Health System (hospital, clinics), contact Patient Experience by email or call 714-456-7004.


UCI is committed to providing an environment free of discrimination and harassment. Individuals who have experienced discrimination or harassment based on their disability, perceived disability, or association with a person with a disability, may report concerns to the Office of Equal Opportunity and Diversity or through the online reporting tool. OEOD will provide rights, resources, and options for resolution. For more information about OEOD and its services, please to go to the OEOD website or review the UCI Guidelines on Discrimination and Harassment.

Reasonable Accommodations

UCI engages in the interactive process with students and employees with disabilities who request reasonable accommodations. Individuals with disabilities who have concerns regarding nonaccommodation may report them to the Office of Equal Opportunity and Diversity or through the online reporting tool. OEOD will provide rights, resources, and options for resolution. For more information about OEOD and its services, please to go to the OEOD website or review the UCI Guidelines on Discrimination and Harassment.

Information and resources for accommodation requests for students are available through the Disability Services Center and for employees through Human Resources Disability Management Services.

