Coordinating Centers

HealthCore serves as the Coordinating Center for the PHN consortium of the Bench to Bassinet Program.

Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center (CCHMC) serves as the Coordinating Center for the PCGC and CvDC Consortia of the Bench to Bassinet Program.

In this capacity, CCHMC and HealthCore work together to ensure smooth collaboration among the three key program contributors: the Cardiovascular Development Consortium (CvDC), the Pediatric Cardiac Genomics Consortium (PCGC), and the Pediatric Heart Network (PHN). They serve their Consortia in a range of functions, such as organizing meetings and calls of the Steering Committees, Coordinating Committee, and External Advisory Committee; designing and maintaining written materials and websites to support all three Consortia; awarding subcontracts for Cores; and data management and technical support for the PCGC CHD GENES and CHD Brain and Genes studies.

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