Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at UCI

OLLI at UCI is a community of passionate lifelong learners, engaging our minds and enriching our lives through education.

Osher Lifelong Learning Institute (OLLI) at University of California, Irvine

OLLI at UCI building

About the Program

The Osher Lifelong Learning Institute (OLLI) sets the world standard for excellence in lifelong learning, and OLLI at UCI is no exception. We embrace the educational and social experiences OLLI delivers every semester!

No tests. No grades. Learn for the fun of it!

Stay Curious!

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What You’ll Need

  • To be a lifelong learner who wants to continue enhancing your life through education.

Enrollment Periods

  • As a member, you are eligible to register for an unlimited number of courses, based upon space availability, for our Fall and Spring semesters, plus a short Summer Session.


  • Mental stimulation is fundamental to your personal growth and feeling of well-being.
  • Intellectual exploration is a workout for the brain – it sharpens and strengthens our memory.
  • Social connection within our learning community creates new friends, develops shared interests, and enhances our joy of living.

Courses & Events

Our course topics explore a variety of different subject areas from the arts and literature to science, history and technology. Special events like wine tastings, theater performances, museum tours and other cultural excursions round out the experience. And with no homework or tests, you enjoy an educational environment where you learn for the pure joy of it.

Group of adults in a workshop

About OLLI

OLLI at UCI is an organization of enthusiastic lifelong learners who want to continue cultivating their minds and enhancing their lives through education. We are member-led, volunteer-based, and on a mission to provide the most meaningful learning experience possible — because we’re passionate and active knowledge seekers just like you!

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Directions and Classroom Information
Irvine Station
Women donating to OLLI


Imagine if every retiree in Orange County had access to fun, intellectually stimulating, University-sponsored education, without homework or tests! That’s what we deliver. Help us make our programs available to everyone. By donating to OLLI at UCI, you keep our membership fees accessible to all.



IT’S YOUR OLLI! OLLI is run by members-volunteers. Courses, special interest groups, special events, social activities, publications, and classroom services are all developed by members like you.

Learn more from our members why OLLI at UCI is such a special and valued experience that has enriched their lives in a variety of ways.

Academic Calendar

Please note the following important dates


Frequently Asked Questions


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