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The NIH Announces Winners of the Complement-ARIE Challenge Competition
Blue and purple patterned background with a white and white rectangle overlaying the pattern. Image representing in silico, in vitro, in chemico, and AI is shown on the right. Text reads: “Announcing the Winners of the Complement-ARIE Challenge Competition. The NIH logo is shown in the bottom right corner.
Announcing the Winners of the Complement-ARIE Challenge Competition

The National Institutes of Health has announced the winners of a crowdsourcing competition for innovative ideas on New Approach Methodologies, or NAMs to more accurately model human biology. The Complement Animal Research In Experimentation (Complement-ARIE) Challenge Prize competition offered $1,000,000 in total prize money to diverse teams with ideas for new ways of using NAMs to conduct basic research, uncover disease mechanisms, and translate knowledge into products and practice.

The NIH Common Fund Complement-ARIE program hosted this challenge as part of the strategic planning process to refine the Complement-ARIE program concept. This program will develop, standardize, and validate the use of new approaches that will more accurately model human biology and complement, or in some cases, replace traditional research models. This challenge provided NIH with information about where innovation can be incorporated into NAMs and what types of new NAMs may benefit from further investment. Concepts from the winning entries of the Complement-ARIE Challenge Prize will be incorporated into the ongoing planning process for the Complement-ARIE program.

Twenty Complement-ARIE Challenge prize winners will share the total prize purse of $1,000,000, with each winning team receiving $50,000 for their innovative solutions. The winning solutions were selected according to the official judging criteria and demonstrated out-of-the box solutions across the competition areas of in silico, in vitro, in chemico, and combinatorial methods.

The winning solutions are listed below. Click on the solution titles and team names to learn more:

Learn more about the Complement-ARIE Prize Challenge on the Complement-ARIE Challenge website.

And stay up to date on the latest Complement-ARIE program announcements by signing up for the listserv.

This page last reviewed on May 7, 2024
