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Selecting a College Major

What is a Major?

In order to get a degree from Foothill College or any univeristy, you will need to declare a major. A college major is a concentrated area of study intented to help you acquire specialized knowledge about a particular subject.

Steps for Selecting a Major

1. Self-Assessment

  • Select a career that aligns with your values, skills abilities and life goals.
  • What do you enjoy doing?
  • What academic classes do you like?
  • What is important to you?
  • What motivates you?
  • What are you good at?

2. Explore

  • Make a list of majors that you are interested in pursuing.
  • Research the majors, utilizing web resources (see available resources).
  • Research which schools and universities offer your major.
  • Consider selecting general education courses in areas that you are interested in exploring further.
  • Talk with professionals the the career areas you are pursuing.

 3. Evaluate

  • Narrow dow your list to three possible majors.
  • Align your majors to your academic strengths, abilities ad values.
  • Evaluate the pros and cons for each major.

 4. Develop an Action Plan

  • Be proactive when researching your major.
  • Plan an informational interview.
  • Get involved in extra curricular activities and internships aligned with your major.

 5. Act

  • Meet with your counselor to discuss your options and to create an educational plan to include general education and major preparation.

Make an Appointment

Apply for Your Degree or Certifcate

Follow Steps to Petition for Graduation

To refer to your degree or certificate requirements by catalog year,  view them here:

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Student Services Building 8300, Room 8302

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