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Questions tagged [age-of-discovery]

For questions related to new lands discoveries made by Europeans in the 15th, 16th and 17th centuries.

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How close did a Manila galleon ever come to Hawaii?

Between the sixteenth and nineteenth centuries, Manila galleons sailed regularly between Mexico and the Philippines. Consistent ocean currents informed their clockwise route. After the Spanish had ...
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What were the contemporary European reactions of de Vlamingh's sightings of black swans?

Willem de Vlamingh is reportedly the first European to have seen black swans near modern-day Perth, Western Australia in 1697. The 'black swan' had existed in Europe as a metaphor for about fifteen ...
gktscrk's user avatar
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Were crosses frequently used as communication while exploring?

Were big crosses/little crosses a common method of communication during the Age of Exploration? I have read some sources, such as this, Robert and Roberts' book A History of New Mexico, and other ...
Village's user avatar
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Independent persons founding personal fiefdoms

Question: I am interested to know of any more possible instances like Sarawak and the Cocos-Keeling Islands described below, where individuals have managed to establish de facto fiefdoms or states ...
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