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European Journal of Ageing

Social, Behavioural and Health Perspectives

Publishing model:
Open access

Aims and scope

The European Journal of Ageing: Social, Behavioural and Health Perspectives is an interdisciplinary journal devoted to the understanding of ageing in European societies and the world over.

  • EJA publishes original articles on the social, behavioral and population health aspects of ageing and encourages an integrated approach between these aspects.
  • Emphasis is put on publishing empirical research (including meta-analyses), but conceptual papers (including narrative reviews) and methodological contributions will also be considered.
  • EJA welcomes expert opinions on critical issues in ageing.
  • By stimulating communication between researchers and those using research findings, it aims to contribute to the formulation of better policies and the development of better practice in serving older adults.

To further specify, with the term "social" is meant the full scope of social science of ageing related research from the micro to the macro level of analysis. With the term "behavioural" the full scope of psychological ageing research including life span approaches based on a range of age groups from young to old is envisaged. The term "population health-related" denotes social-epidemiological and public health oriented research including research on functional health in the widest possible sense.

