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Securely Accessing Authentication API in Tauri/Next.js without Exposing .env Secrets

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I'm building a desktop application with Next.js and Tauri and need to securely authenticate users without storing API keys directly in a .env file, as this seems particularly risky in a bundled Tauri application.

I've considered services like Supabase and Clerk, but I'm hesitant to store their API keys directly in the codebase.

How can I securely access my authentication API from my Tauri/Next.js application without exposing sensitive keys in a way that could be compromised if the application is decompiled?

For example, are there ways to:

  • Securely store and access API keys at runtime?

  • Leverage operating system-level secure storage for sensitive data?

  • Implement a proxy server to handle authentication separately?

Any code examples or guidance on best practices for securely handling API keys within a Tauri/Next.js environment would be greatly appreciated!

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Secure Storage and Access of API Keys at Runtime:

tilize Tauri’s secure storage capabilities for storing sensitive information. Tauri offers a secure storage plugin that provides encryption for stored data. Example using Tauri secure storage

import { writeTextFile, readTextFile } from '@tauri-apps/api/fs';
import { encrypt, decrypt } from '@tauri-apps/api/crypto';

const saveApiKey = async (apiKey) => {
  const encryptedKey = await encrypt(apiKey, 'your-secret-key');
  await writeTextFile('apiKey.enc', encryptedKey);

const loadApiKey = async () => {
  const encryptedKey = await readTextFile('apiKey.enc');
  const apiKey = await decrypt(encryptedKey, 'your-secret-key');
  return apiKey;

Implement a Proxy Server:

Set up a proxy server that handles the authentication process. The client application would communicate with the proxy server, which in turn interacts with the actual authentication API. This way, the API keys are never exposed to the client.

const express = require('express');
const axios = require('axios');
const app = express();
const PORT = process.env.PORT || 3000;

app.use(express.json());'/auth', async (req, res) => {
  try {
    const { username, password } = req.body;
    const response = await'', {
      apiKey: process.env.AUTH_API_KEY,
  } catch (error) {
    res.status(500).json({ error: error.message });

app.listen(PORT, () => {
  console.log(`Proxy server running on port ${PORT}`);

Leverage Operating System-Level Secure Storage:

Utilize the secure storage facilities provided by the operating system (like Keychain on macOS, Credential Locker on Windows, and KeyStore on Android). Tauri provides APIs to interface with these secure storage mechanisms. Example using macOS Keychain:

use tauri::plugin::TauriPluginBuilder;
use tauri::api::keychain::Keychain;

fn main() {
      .invoke_handler(tauri::generate_handler![save_api_key, get_api_key])
    .expect("error while running tauri application");

fn save_api_key(api_key: String) {
  Keychain::default().set("api_key", &api_key).unwrap();

fn get_api_key() -> String {

considerations for implementing each approach

Secure Storage with Tauri

When implementing secure storage with Tauri for sensitive information like API keys, ensure that you use the provided Tauri APIs consistently across your application. Tauri’s secure storage functionality integrates seamlessly with its runtime environment, ensuring that sensitive data is encrypted and stored securely on the user's device. However, be mindful of key management practices; avoid hardcoding encryption keys directly in your code and consider using environment variables or other secure methods for managing encryption keys. Regularly review and update your storage mechanisms to align with any updates or improvements in Tauri’s security features.

Operating System-Level Secure Storage

Integrating with operating system-level secure storage mechanisms such as macOS Keychain, Windows Credential Locker, or Android KeyStore requires platform-specific implementations. Ensure that your application handles different platforms consistently and securely. Each platform may have its own API and security considerations, so it's essential to familiarize yourself with these APIs and follow best practices for accessing and managing credentials securely. Consider implementing fallback mechanisms or alternative approaches for platforms that do not support native secure storage, ensuring a consistent user experience across all supported environments.

Proxy Server Approach

Implementing a proxy server for handling authentication can enhance security by keeping sensitive information like API keys server-side. When adopting this approach, design your proxy server to securely communicate with the authentication API and handle user authentication flows effectively. Ensure that your proxy server is properly secured against common web vulnerabilities such as SQL injection, cross-site scripting (XSS), and cross-site request forgery (CSRF). Implement robust authentication mechanisms such as OAuth or JWT tokens to ensure secure communication between your client application and the proxy server. Regularly update and monitor your proxy server for any security vulnerabilities or performance issues, ensuring reliable and secure authentication for your application users.

Each approach offers distinct advantages and considerations depending on your application’s architecture, deployment environment, and security requirements. Choose the approach that best aligns with your project’s needs while prioritizing secure handling and storage of sensitive information like API keys.
