Short Term Study Programs

International Short-Term Study Programs Office organizes, chooses and announces short-term study programs such as summer or winter schools, educational camps, short-term language training courses for both incoming and outgoing students.

There are 2 main Delightful programs by this office designed for all international university students around the world. IAU students can take part in short-term study abroad programs in partner universities.

Istanbul Aydin University Delightful Istanbul Winter School

Delightful Istanbul Winter School

Delightful Istanbul Winter School is a two-week program which takes place in Istanbul on every last two weeks of January.

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Istanbul Aydin University Delightful Istanbul Summer School

Delightful Istanbul Summer School

Delightful Istanbul Summer School is a two-week study and fun program which takes place first two weeks of every August.

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Istanbul Aydin University Delightful Istanbul Summer School

Short-Term Study Abroad Programs

IAU students can take part in summer or winter schools organized by our international partner universities. 

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güncelleme: 5.4.2022 13:43
