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Éilleáin sa Bhiashlabhra

Cuireann an Painéal um Éilleáin sa Bhiashlabhra (CONTAM) comhairle eolaíoch ar fáil maidir le héilleáin sa bhiashlabhra agus substaintí neamh-inmhianaithe amhail tocsainí nádúrtha, míceatocsainí agus iarmhair substaintí neamhúdaraithe.

Is eolaithe ó gach cearn den Eoraip iad Comhaltaí Phainéal CONTAM a bhfuil saineolas acu ar na nithe seo a leanas:

  • Ceimic – ceimic orgánach, neamhorgánach, anailíseach, bia agus beatha a phróiseáil i réimse na n-éilleán ceimiceach
  • Measúnú nochta – tá saineolas ag teastáil go háirithe i ndáil le measúnú nochta cothaithe ar éilleáin cheimiceacha, lena n-áirítear eolas ar shuirbhéanna ar thomhaltas bia
  • Tocsaineolaíocht an duine agus na tréidliachta (sa mheasúnú riosca ar cheimiceáin) – ionsú, dáileadh, meitibileacht, eisfhearadh (ADME) substaintí (tocsainicinéitic agus tocsainidinimic), tocsaineacht fho-ainsealach agus ainsealach (staidéir maidir le dáileoga go minic), géineatocsaineacht agus só-ghineacht, tocsaineacht forbraíochta agus atáirgthe, carcanaigineacht, ailléirgineacht agus tocsaineacht imdhíonachta.
  • Tástálacha tocsaineolaíocha ar ainmhithe turgnamhacha – éifeachtaí tocsaineacha éilleán ceimiceach ar ainmhithe feirmeacha agus peataí a léirmhíniú
  • Eipidéimeolaíocht – bithmharcóirí maidir le héifeachtaí agus nochtadh agus léirmhíniú sonraí an duine)
  • Staidreamh – measúnú ar éifeachtaí dáileoige, e.g. samhaltú dáileog tagarmhairc agus anailís ar thacair sonraí casta (eipidéimeolaíoch)
  • Cothú ainmhithe – measúnú nochta ainmhithe.

Comhaltaí an Phainéil

Comhaltaí Phainéal CONTAM, 2018-2024

Comhdhéanamh an Phainéil agus Dearbhuithe Leasanna.

Working groups

Arsenic in food

BFRs in food


Dioxins update

Genotoxicity of beauvericin


Perchlorate in food

SWG on feed detoxification

Closed working groups

3-MCPD update

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Acrylamide genotoxicity

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Acrylamide in Food

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Aflatoxins in food

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Ambrosia in Feed

Aspergillus toxins

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Brominated Flame Retardants

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Chlorate in Food

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Chlorinated Paraffins in food and feed

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Chromium and nickel

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Dioxins in food and feed

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Dioxins in food for children

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Ergot Alkaloids in feed

Erucic acid in food and feed

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Fumonisins in feed

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Furan in food

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Fusarium toxins

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Glycoalkaloids in food and feed

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Gossypol in whole cotton seed

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Grayanotoxins in certain honey

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Health-based guidance value (HBGV) for mycotoxins

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HMF in honey bees

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Hydrogen cyanide (HCN) in apricot kernels

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Masked mycotoxins in food and feed

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Maximum level of aflatoxins in peanuts

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Maximum levels (MLs) of deoxynivalenol in certain cereal products

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MCPD and glycidyl esters

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Meat inspection - contaminants

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Mercury in food

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Mineral hydrocarbons in food

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Mineral Oil Hydrocarbons (MOH) in food

Mycotoxins in feed

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Nickel in feed

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Nickel in food

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Nitrites and nitrates in feed

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Nitrofurans and their metabolites in food

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Nitrosamines in food

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Non-allowed pharmacologically active substances in food and feed and their reference points for action (2015-2018)

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Ochratoxin A (OTA) in feed

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Ochratoxin A in food

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Opium alkaloids

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Perchlorate in food (2014)

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Perchlorate in food correcting opinion

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PFAS in food

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Phorbol esters in Jatropha kernel meal

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Plastic microparticles and nanoparticles

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Polychlorinated naphthalenes (PCNs) in feed and food

Previous cargoes

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Previous cargoes - re-evaluation

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Previous cargoes 2016

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Quinolizidine alkaloids in food and feed

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Reference Points for Action

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Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) in milk and other products of animal origin

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TTX in bivalve molluscs and marine gastropods

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WG on scallops

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Zearalenone in feed

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