Passing the Torch: UiT – The Arctic University of Norway Takes Over the Presidency of EUGLOH for 2024

The European University Alliance for Global Health (EUGLOH) is pleased to announce the beginning of the chairmanship of the EUGLOH Governing Board by Dag Rune Olsen, Rector of UiT – The Arctic University of Norway. This marks the inauguration of EUGLOH’s second presidential term (January to December 2024).


During a virtual meeting of the EUGLOH Governing Board on 18th December 2023, incoming Chair of the Board, Rector Dag Rune Olsen (UiT – the Arctic University of Norway) accepted the torch from outgoing chair, Vice-Chancellor Erik Renström (Lund University). UiT’s presidential term, occurring within the framework of EUGLOH’s rotating presidency, will last from January to December of 2024.

Olsen expressed enthusiasm for his new role within the Alliance, saying "I am delighted to take over the chairmanship. This collaboration will be of the utmost importance in the future for higher education in Europe.”

UiT is among the newest class of Alliance member universities, having joined most recently in January 2023 alongside the University of Alcalá, the University of Novi Sad, and Universität Hamburg.

UiT offers particularly relevant expertise in areas that include medical research, artificial intelligence in healthcare, marine biology and ecosystems, and climate change in the Arctic.

Rector Dag Rune Olsen is planning on maintaining a close dialogue with the EUGLOH member universities with respect to the global health challenges that lie ahead. "UiT, together with our partners, wants to develop innovative, democratic and sustainable solutions to meet major societal challenges," Olsen states. In such a context, he believes UiT can contribute with important perspectives, knowledge and expertise.

"UiT, with its location in the northernmost part of Europe, has for several decades contributed to finding good health solutions for a diverse society living under demanding conditions. Our researchers monitor closely the climate changes in the Arctic and the consequences they bring for both health and welfare. These are insights and expertise we would like to share with our partners," adds Olsen.

The idea of the principle of the rotating presidency within the governance structure of EUGLOH is a commitment to sharing responsibility between the Alliance’s members and to transcending the limitations of a project-based model. Its aim is to foster collective decision-making and a diversified leadership style. To that end and with a view of anticipating the years to come, the Governing Board of EUGLOH selected the University of Porto to take on the responsibilities of the presidency in 2025 and Universität Hamburg in 2026 during this same meeting.
